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"Are you sure that you'd be fine spending your first full day here in Korea alone?"
Someone over the phone asked.

Lilith could just shake her head, well knowing that the person who she was talking too won't be able to see her do so.

"Yes I'd be fine. Stop worrying about me. I'm just going to the cafe and then the library. I'll come back to your apartment once I'm done." She replies.
The person on the other side of the line wasn't convinced.

"Ok, but if there's anything wrong, immediately call me."
"Yes I will. I'm twenty five now, I'm not your stupid eleven year old sister who was afraid of going anywhere by herself." She sighs, earning a small chuckle from the person whom she was calling.
"I haven't seen you in a long time. Its only natural for an older brother to be worried."
"Well stop being worried. I'm going to hang up now, I've just reached the cafe." She says when she had finally reached her first destination.

"Oh what cafe are you visiting lith?" Her brother asks.
"Uh wait..."

She moves back to see the sign hanged above the cafe. Thank the Lords that she was wearing her glasses today because why the hell was the writing so small.

"Lys cafe. They sell really good chamomile tea here." She answers. Silence from her brothers side.
"Can you get me one of their caramel lattes when you're about to go home, thankss." He only says before hanging up.

"What the heck?" Lilith mumbles to herself when her brother had just hung up on her.
She didn't want to think much of it as she placed her phone inside her purse before entering the cafe.
The bell placed above the door ringing as it alarms the people inside that there was a new costumer.

She heads towards the counter, waiting for her turn to reach the front and order.
She wonders if the same worker would be here behind the counter again. Something about him intrigued her, it was primarily due to the fact that he always had that cold look on his face, he did seem a bit intimidating to approach, but that factor only made her even more curious about him.

It was now lilith's turn to order. There she was met with the same worker. Dark hair, chiselled jawline, and many piercings that decorated both his ears.

"How may I help you today- oh it's you again." The lad being a bit perplexed when he saw her again.
She flashes him a warm smile.
"I stopped by here to grab a drink because I really like the tea that you make here." She tells him as he raises an amused brow before nodding his head.

He was wearing a white buttoned down shirt, the first few buttons of his shirt undone as both of his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, not forgetting to mention that he was as well wearing an apron.

"What would you like to order today, Lilith?" He questions.
He remembers her name. She couldn't help but to grin even more.
"One chamomile tea and a caramel latte please." She stated her order as he writes it down.
"Who's the other order for?" He asks curiously.
"My brother. He's a bit lazy to order it himself." Lilith answers.

"Alright here's your receipt. I'll call you once your order has been made." He says and hands her over the piece of paper.
"Thank you..." She looks down at his name tag. "Renjun. Oh, and good morning as well, I hope your morning has been going great."
Her statement somehow was able to make his ears turn red. He scratches his ears to hide the fact that her words had affected him.
"You're welcome. I hope your morning has been going great as well." He replies bashfully before leaving to make her order.

✿ ❀  ❁

Lilith was now in the towns library. She sat alone in a single table, working on a new book of hers as she sips on her tea.

"I don't even remember how the plot for this story goes." She mumbles to herself as she pulls on her hair in frustration.
Recently she had discovered a file in her computer that was filled with her old drafts for a book that she was planning to write. The thing is that she doesn't remember ever making this file or writing all of this prompts and ideas, it was like a piece of her memory had been taken away from her because she just can't seem to remember about how the story was supposed to originally go on and what the plot was supposed to be.

"Lilith?" The sound of her name being called out, made her look behind. She was greeted by a girl who was most likely the same age as her. Long brown hair and an adorable eye smile.
When seeing her in the library, it made her frustrations dissappear all of a sudden.
"Lia?!" She exclaims in a whisper, still remembering the fact that they're inside a library.
They shared a longing warm hug.
"Girl when was the last time we've actually met. It felt like decades ago, I'm just glad that you're healthy and is able to come back to Korea again." Lia chimes as she frowns at her friend.
"I've missed you too by the way. How long has it been since we've last met... five years?" Lilith tried to remember the last time she had met this one friend of hers.
"You're making it seem as if five years isn't even a long period of time." Lia spoke as she side eyes her.

"What are you doing here in the library?" Lilith questions.
"Oh, I'm helping this one friend of mine tutor English for her younger cousin. So I came to the library to borrow some English books, and then I saw you and wanted to greet you since it's been forever since we last saw each other." Lia explains.
It was then her turn to ask the same question.
"What are you doing in the library?"

"Working on a new book. But I can't seem to remember how the story goes." Lilith replied with a sigh.
Lia looks down at her computer, reading through Lilith's drafts as she takes in the writing.
"Oh, I remember what this story was supposed to be about." She chanted as Lilith's eyes widens.
Her friends hums in reply.
"Yeah, I remember you telling me that this story was about a guy who was learning the process of falling in love. Something like that." She says as Lilith looks back at her writing, rereading them as she tried to understand Lia's explanation.
"Wait yeah it kind of makes sense now. Why didn't I think of that." She laughs at herself as she hits her head at how silly she was.
Her friend smiles at her. "I'm sure you'd be able to write the book without encountering any writers block if you meet with a guy who's going through the same process." Lia thought to herself.

ENCHANTED | (h. Renjun) ✓Where stories live. Discover now