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The sound of the bell ringing informed Renjun that a new customer had just entered.

He looks up from the cash register, a bit alarmed to see a familiar figure that he hasn't seen in months.
"Minghao-ge what are you doing here?" He asks.
"Just going to order an iced Americano and hibiscus tea." He orders.
Renjun raising a brow at him as he types his order down.
"Anything else?"
"Nope that's about it. Oh but there is one thing that I wanted to give to you!" He says and rummages through the pockets of his blazer.

This only confusing Renjun even more. What possibly could he want to give him?

"Here are two tickets to my mothers art exhibition." Minghao spoke as he hands over two tickets towards Renjun's direction.
He looks at it with wide eyes.
"I can't except these. Especially for free." He declines as a frown was evident on the older lads face.
"Are you still thinking about my sister?"

Renjun went quiet as he looks away.

"Just take them Renjun. You can give the tickets to someone else if you don't want to attend. Just keep in mind that my mom wanted to invite you herself to her exhibition, since you were always there to support her." He tells him as Renjun reluctantly accepted the tickets.
"Thanks gege. I'll try to muster up the courage to attend it." Renjun says hesitantly as a smile manages to appear on Minghao's face.
"One more thing Renjun!" He adds as Renjun raised a brow at him to continue talking.

"Please don't ever forget about my sister. I hope you always keep her close to your heart." He says before smiling at him and walking away to find himself a seat.

All Renjun could do was just stare at the older lad wearily. Just as he thought that he could move on from her, her older brother is telling him to not forget about lily.
He also found it weird how today, there was no sign of Lilith. Why is it that the day that she doesn't come and visit the cafe, Minghao appears all of a sudden? It was all just very.... Weird.


"Oh you actually came today." Renjun spoke once he sees Lilith walking over to the front desk. Her arms filled with books as she flashes him a shy smile.

"Where you expecting my arrival?" She teases as he quickly looks away embarrassed.
"It's just weird not seeing you because you always visit everyday." He answers as Lilith was able to see his ears turn a shade of red. She couldn't help but to grin.
"Sorry for worrying you. I had to sign a dozen books before my new series gets released for the public."

"Oh, you mean the last trilogy for your pixies neverland series?" He states as one of her eyebrows raised in the air.
"You know about my books?" She questions.
"Jian got a signed copy of your pre-released book and she's always talking about it. So I thought that I'd at least see what all the hype was about and tried to read some of the books that you've written." He says.

She didn't know why her heart was fluttering right now. She felt all warm and fuzzy. Maybe it was due to the fact that a guy had just admitted that he'd started reading one of her books.

"I'm a bit surprised. You don't seem like the type of person who'd like reading." Says Lilith as a lazy grin appears on his face.
"It's cause I don't. I said I tried to read at least one of your books. Haven't finished it yet because of how busy the cafe has been since it's holiday seasons."

Oh wow, he doesn't even read but is willing to read just for her!?

"Well, I'm really thankful for that. Just don't read any of my old books. It's kind of embarrassing." She says bashful as he smirks.
"Oh I'll make sure to read your old books now that you've mentioned it. So the usual?" He says as she nods her head.
"One chamomile tea please, oh! And can I get a strawberry cheesecake whilst you're at it." She replies as he nods his head before writing her order down.
"Your order would be done in a few minutes."
Renjun stated before she smiles at him and left to find her usual seat.


The sun was starting to set as the cafe has started to close down. All the workers cleaning up as only a few customer were still there. One of them being Lilith.

"Miss Lilith it's nearly closing time again." Hugo chanted as he walks past her with his hands filled with dirty cups and plates.
The calling snapping the girl out of her daze and concentration as she quickly saves her work and closes her laptop shut. She looks around seeing the cafe close to being deserted.

Goodness why does she always forget about the time and gets carried away with work.

"Lilith." Renjun calls out as she looks over at him. Her attention focus on him as her hands were busy packing up her things.
"I know I'm packing up. I'd be out in a few mins." She replies as he furrows his brows.
"Oh don't get the wrong idea- i wasn't going to rush you and kick you out. I just wanted to talk to you for a second." He says as she stops packing.
"Ok then, what do you want to talk about?" She asks him.

"I was reluctant to ask you at first since you don't really like art... but then thought that maybe you'd have a change of heart. You see I was given two tickets to Xu Li-Hua's reopening of her art exhibition and wanted to ask if you'd want to come with me?" He tells her as she was surprised at the fact that he's inviting her out of all people to come to an art exhibition with him.

"You are right. I didn't plan on going at first, Li Hua sent me an invitation on her own but I rejected it. But since you're asking me, maybe it is a sign that I should actually go. Isn't it?" She replies as a smile made its way on his face.
"Is that a yes?" He asks as she nods her head.
"Great. See you on Friday at 5pm." He says as she flashes him a smile before standing up and picking up her bag.
"It's a date. See you then!" She exclaims before leaving the cafe.

He stood there astounded.
A what?
Did he hear that right.
Oh my god, he hasn't gone on a date in five years. What the hell do you do on a date.

"Boss you've been smiling at yourself for a minute straight now. It's scaring me." Hugo brings Renjun out of his traces as he pats his shoulders. This snapping the older lad out of his thoughts as he clears his throat before looking at Hugo.
"Shut up kid."

ENCHANTED | (h. Renjun) ✓Where stories live. Discover now