
39 3 1

00' idiots

| remember the plan today everyone 👍🏼

Ew Donghyuck:
| he's starting to act like a dad 😔 this is what marriage does to a person

| Hyuck is the reason why we need another huge rock to hit earth

| 😭😭😭

| pls I do not want to go extinct just yet

Remember the plans mfs 🤬|

| yes yes
| you did agree to treat us all out to dinner if we agreed to help you 🥺

Ew Donghyuck:
| ugh I hate this one rich kid 😒
| he's pretending to act poor like me

| Hyuck 😭😭??

| maybe the meteor only needs to hit Haechan and I'd be happy with my life 😊

Ew Donghyuck:
| you're a doctor, you're never happy with your life 🙄

| what did you say 🙂

Jeno kicked Jaemin and Ew Donghyuck out of the group chat

Thank you Jeno for doing the thing that none of us are willing to do 🤣|

| those AB weirdos are always fighting, I'm sick and tired 😓

✿ ❀ ❃ ❁

"Lily, you go ahead and enter the beach. I'm going to go back home and change my shoes." Minghao stated as his sister looks over at him in confusion.
"Why do you need to switch your shoes for?" She asks and looks down at his shoes.

"Because I don't want to get my designer shoes dirty." He replies annoyingly.
"If you knew that we'd be going to the beach then why the hell did you bother wearing that in the first place. Plus a little sand isn't going to wreck your shoes Hao." Lily tells him as her older brother could just scratch the back of his head.

There was no arguing when it came to Lily.

"Well I still want to change them. I'd be back soon." He says and quickly ran off before she could say anything.

She watches as he disappears before letting out an annoyed groan.

"Urghh he's so despicable." Lily whines before walking inside the deserted beach. She and her older brother were planning to walk over here for no apparent reason other than the fact that they just wanted to watch the sunset together.

She stops walking when she sees a familiar figure standing by himself. She didn't need to think twice to know who that person was.

"Renjun!" Lily called out in excitement as she ran over towards him. She hasn't seen him in a full week. He also hasn't been over at his cafe working for the week, which was peculiar.

ENCHANTED | (h. Renjun) ✓Where stories live. Discover now