Chapter- 8 Back to School

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(Anayra’s age- 7 years)

As soon as the school bell rang, all the students started running outside.

“I have to pee.” A girl said to other girl who was packing her bag.

“Okay go. I am waiting here.” The other girl replied.

The girl went to the washroom while the other one packed both of their bags.

Are you going home alone?” A voice came from behind and the girl turned around to see a guy standing there with his hands at the back and the school bag hung around his right shoulder.

“No. I am going with my sister.” The girl said keeping her water bottle inside her bag.

“Ohh. I thought we will go together.” The boy said in a sad tone.

I don’t go with strangers.” The girl said hanging her bag around her shoulders.

“Then let’s be friends.”  The boy said coming forward with a broad smile on his lips. “Here. These are for you.” He said forwarding two chocolates in his hands.

“But I don’t know even your name. I can’t accept these.”  The girl said hesitantly.

Ahana, Anayra, where are you guys?” A voice was heard before the boy could say anything. The girl turned back to see her bestfriend entering the classroom.

I was talking to him. ” The girl said pointing her finger at the back while looking at her bestfriend.

“Talking to who?” Her bestfriend asked confusingly.

“Areee him!” The girl turned around to point at the boy but he  disappeared from there.

The chocolates that he brought were kept on her desk beside her sister’s bag. The girl looked around in the classroom to find him but he wasn’t anywhere in the sight.

You brought chocolates?” Her bestfriend asked excitingly before grabbing one of the chocolates to open it.

“I didn’t-” “Let’s go Anu!” Before she could reply, her sister came back from the washroom.

Ohh wow! Chocolates! ” She jumped excitedly before taking a piece from another chocolate kept on the desk.

Who brought these?” Her sister Ahana asked munching on a piece of chocolate but before she could say anything, her bestfriend replied “Anu. Let’s go now. Driver uncle must be waiting.”

Anayra wanted to say something but she ignored it when she saw her sister and bestfriend were enjoying the chocolates. The three of them left the classroom as it was already past ten minutes when the school was over.

The boy saw them leaving as he was hiding behind the almirah kept in the classroom. “We will meet alone next time, little demon.” He muttered with a smile on his face before leaving the classroom.


After our super fun day-out, we reached home by 9p.m. We were so tired so we departed into our rooms after having dinner with the family.

Right now, Ahana and I were sitting in in my room having our hot chocolates and scrolling through Instagram. Well, Ahana was an Instagram addict. She loved to post every single thing about her life on social media.

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