Chapter - 9 Jealousy & Plans

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We had continuous three classes so I didn’t get any time to talk to anyone from the class. We finally got a break in the fourth lecture. It was sports period so everyone went outside to play their favourite sports.

“Hey Varnika!” Varnika and I were sitting in the classroom when a girl came up to us.

“Hello Ruhi! Where were you?” Varnika said to her before standing up and giving her a hug.

“Aree yaar, we were also having continuous lectures today and I was late today so I didn’t get time to meet you before.” She replied sitting on the bench.

“Alright! Do you remember her? Anayra Khanna? Ahana’s cousin.” Varnika introduced me to Ruhi.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought for a second before her facial expressions changed as if she remembered something. “Yeah yeah! I remember her. Hello Anayra! I am Ruhi. Ruhi Khurrana.” She said to me.

I already knew her because she was really good friend of both Ahana and Varnika.

Hii Ruhi! How are you?” I asked her with a small smile.

“I am fantastic!” She replied with an energetic smile. These people were so energetic!

“But why are you guys sitting here? There’s a volleyball match going on between Kush and Rakshit’s team! Let’s goooo!” Ruhi said getting up excitedly and my heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard Kush’s name.

Varnika looked at me with a devilish smile before saying “Then we should definitely go. Right Anu?”

“As you guys say.” I glared at her and she winked at me in response before we all started making our way towards the volleyball court.

As soon as we reached the volleyball court, my jaw literally dropped. Almost all the girls from all the sections & streams were present there enjoying the match from the stands.


Although many boys were playing but the only names echoing were Kush and Rakshit. The boys had changed into their volleyball costumes. Kush’s team was wearing blue while Rakshit’s red. We took a seat in the upper row of the stands and Ahana too joined us after a few minutes. The atmosphere was really amazing. Everyone was focusing on the match but my sole focus was on one single person with jersey number 18. My Kush.

Sweat was dripping from his body, his hair were ruffled & a few hair strands were stuck on his forehead. His tee was sleeveless which was giving perfect view of his bisceps. His muscles were flexing whenever he was jumping to smash the ball and he was looking so damnnn hottttt. Suddenly, the whole volleyball court filled with loud cheering & hooting when Kush smashed the ball scoring a point. Only his name was audible in the whole court. He jumped with a roar and winked at the guy from the other team whom I supposed was Rakshit.

“Goddd Kush is looking soo hotttt yaar!” A girl who was sitting at my left in the front row spoke and my eyes snapped towards her.

“I know right. I just wish he will kiss me atleast once some day.” The other girl beside her said and my eyes glared at them in anger. How dare these bitches were talking about my man in front of me like that. My jaw clenched and I fisted my hand trying to control my anger.

“Stop it. Poor girls will die in your stare.” Varnika’s comment made me look at her and I chuckled.

Poor girls? Seriously?” I said with my raised brows and she rolled her eyes.

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