Chapter - 31 The Face-off

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"Ma'am meet the co- founder of ANAKSH, Mr

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"Ma'am meet the co- founder of ANAKSH, Mr. Kush Malhotra."

Co-founder? Him?

"And sir, she is Miss Anayra Khanna, the-"

"CEO of KRIVA & Co. I know her. Hello, Ms. Khanna."
Kush cut Vikram in between and extended his hand to greet me.

Rosie whispered in my ear when I didn't move even an inch and that made me come out of my trance.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"
I said and his retrieved his hand back while a tiniest smirk danced on his lips.

Is this man even serious right now?

"Uh, ma'am, he's the co-founder with-"

"I heard it Rosie! You don't have to repeat it."
I cut her off and she stood their quietly.

"I asked you something. WHY ARE YOU HERE?"
My voice was stern, anger dripping from my tone while he stood there silently watching me.

All those memories from the past flashed in front of my eyes making me again feel an ache in my chest.

"I'm here for a deal with yo-"

"There will not be any deal between you & me. This meeting is over so you can leave."
I declared making both Vikram & Rosie's mouth fell open but the man standing in front of me didn't seem affected.

His expressions telling me that it wasn't unexpected for him.

"But ma'am-"

I said staring into his eyes and unclenched my fist before turning on my heels and left the conference room.

I heard Rosie apologizing to the duo before she started following me.

Entering my cabin, I picked up the flower vase kept on the coffee table and smashed it right on the door. Rosie, who was standing just beside the door, flinched but didn't say anything. Pulling my hair in frustration, I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down but it all went in vain.

My voice roared inside the cabin and Rosie was standing there with her head down.

"Ma'am, sir was leading the team."
Rosie replied however her body was trembling in fear.

He was leading the team? He knew it?

I said and she left the cabin very next second.

Picking up my phone, I dialled his number and he picked up after three rings.

"Hello? Is the-"

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