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"Enjoy your tea." Renjun placing down one of the customers order as he flashes them a small smile before retreating back to the counter. On his way there, he stops when he walks past a familiar figure from days ago, sitting down at the table all by herself as she works on her laptop.

"You're here again." He spoke up, causing the said girl to look back as the sides of her lips tugs upwards.
"I really like this café and the chamomile tea that they serve. So yes, you'll be seeing me a lot more lately.. sadly." Lilith let out a small chuckle at the end. Ever since her first visit here, she's been coming over almost everyday to work on her assignments (well, that's what he assumes that she was working on). I mean, he wasn't complaining. He liked having her over. He likes to steal glances at her whilst she's busy working. She's become a total distraction for him ever since...

His eyes dissapears as a genuine smile was formed on his face.
"Why are you making it seem like it's a bad thing? I like having you over. You immediately became one of our most frequent costumer now." Renjun stated. They stood there in silence for a couple of seconds as he tried to think of a topic to keep their conversation going.

"Soo.. Lilith, what do you do for a living?" He thought of on the spot. Wanting to so badly slap his face for asking such a stupid and rude question.
"I'm a writer believe it or not. I usually visit this café to write because I really like the atmosphere here. It gives me inspiration to write." She answers him as his mouth formed an 'o'.
"Ahh. Do you go by Lilith as your author name?" He continued to ask. The girl nodding her head.
"Lilith is just my pen name. When I was about to publish my first work, my manager told me that I should change my name because my name wasn't 'English enough.' If that even makes sense? I think my real name is pretty common for an English name." She rambles.

He had the sudden urge to ask her what her real name was but stopped himself. Feeling as if he kept asking her questions then she'll think that he was interested in her. (Though he was a bit interested but he didn't want to admit it sadly cause he still hasn't moved on from his past relationship).

"It was nice talking to you Lilith, but I better get back to work. More people are starting to arrive." He quickly interjected as she nods her head to acknowledge the fact that he could get back to work and to thank him for the pleasant conversation.

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The sound of the cafe door opening had alerted the people inside that a new customer had just entered.
"Yo, Renjun!" Yangyang calls out. Renjun who was busy making an order, had looked up to see his friend walking towards him. His wife following him from behind.
"What are you doing here?" Renjun questions. His tone sounding as if he was displeased by their visit.
"Just came by to visit geez, why do you look so unhappy." His best friend answers.
"I'm unhappy all the time, I dont know what you're talking about." He retorts.

"Oh by the way, can I order a caramel macchiato and an iced americano." Yangyang orders as Renjun nods his head before writing his order down.

"Lilith! What are you doing here, i didn't think that I'd see you here." Jia's sudden voice making both of the male look behind as they see Jia (Yangyang's wife) embracing Lilith with a friendly and welcoming hug.

"Bro, don't tell me that that's...." Yangyang wasnt able to continue his sentence due to the utter bewilderment.
"Yup that's the girl that i've been talking about, Lilith." Renjun answers for him.
"You weren't kidding when you said that she looks almost identical to Lily. I thought you were just joking at first and you were just being delusional as always, so I didn't believe you." His friend stated as Renjun quickly sent him an angry glare.
"Why the hell would I be joking about someone looking like my 'diseased' girlfriend." He straight up says as Yangyang could just shrug.

ENCHANTED | (h. Renjun) ✓Where stories live. Discover now