What's in a Pod?

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Illuminated by the porch light, Bucky could clearly see Natasha looking disheveled from head to toe. Her hair was wild and falling out of their pigtail buns.  Clothes, mismatched and sloppy, looked hastily put on; her shoes were just barely shoved on her feet and left untied. On her back was her backpack and overnight duffel, a sleeping bag and pillow stuffed under one arm, which was also holding the biggest first aid kit she had ever seen.

Natasha attempted to catch her breath. "I brought the med-kit."

"I see that..."

Bucky wasn't sure why she thought Natasha would have done anything different. Her best friend hated being unprepared. This resulted in Natasha bringing way more stuff than they ever needed to just about every get-together their group of friends had. Then she saw the Kroger bags in her friend's left hand.

"Oh! So you did bring the poptarts!" Taking the Kroger bags from her, Bucky headed for the kitchen.

"Oh just leave me to bring all this stuff in by myself, that's... Great." Struggling through the doorway, Natasha somehow managed to shut the door and plop down her stuff before following her friend to the kitchen with only her skull backpack in tow "So what's the emergency?" Natasha questioned, looking at Bucky for all the injuries she could be hiding. "...and why did you tell me to bring poptarts?"

"Oh, Sonny and I just wanted poptarts."


"Oh, you brought stuff for s'mores too," Bucky continued, rummaging through the shopping bags. "That's cool."

"...So, there isn't an emergency."


Natasha glared at the blonde. The distasteful thought that this was all just a ploy so her girlfriend could see her, entered her mind. (The two of them has been dating since Nat's sophmore year.) Since Bucky had moved to South Carolina they had barely seen each other over holidays but this was a bit far... and far out there. Nat's mind came up with crazy situations some times. She reasoned however that Bucky knew she worried about the blonde constantly. It only made sense the Winter Solider would use Natasha's weakness to get what she wanted. Honestly it sounded more like something she herself would do but...

"Don't fucking tell me I just dragged all this shit here... for nothing!"

Bucky was quick to explain. The more stressed Nat got, the more cuss words she used and a tired, angry, and stressed Black Widow is an assassin she would rather not deal with. "Calm down Nat, there really is an emergency, okay?"

"Well then, what's going on?" Natasha asked. "Bucky, I don't understand."

"Me neither..."


"Okay, okay," secretly smiling at her girlfriend's exasperation, she grabbed a cinnamon poptart. "Follow me..." As instructed, Natasha followed Bucky's lead through the kitchen and out the backdoor. "It's over there, you got a flashlight?"

"Yeah, I brought a few..." Nat began searching her bag as Bucky smilled in the darkness. She knew Nat would have one.

"Where's the-?" Natasha felt around for the button. "Oh, here it is!"

"Gah!" Bucky immediately recoiled as the flashlight beams hit her smack in the face.

"Sorry!" Nat pointed the beam away, bitting her lip in guilt.

Bucky rubbed her eyes, blinking them back into focus. "Ow."

"Sorry..." Nat mumbled. Knowing that her girlfriend would never trust her to wield a flashlight again, she pressed the cool metal handle into Bucky's palm.

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