Orange Juice and Pod goop

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Sunlight peeked through Natasha's eyelids, beckoning her to wake up. Slowly the feeling of her limbs came into focus and she uncurled herself from Bucky. Careful not to wake the blonde sleepy soundly beside her, she climbed down from the top bunk of Phishie's bunk bed and stretched.

What time is it?

Taking her phone from the charger, she looked at the screen. 10:21. Not bad for a summer day she guessed. Putting the cellular device in her pocket, she made her way to the kitchen.

There was nothing better than a hot cup of coffee in the morning... however Phishie didn't have a coffee maker. So instead, Nat took a sprite from the mini fridge and a hot pocket from the freezer.

"The breakfast of champions" Nat laughed to herself about the familiar phrase used by her friends. See, whenever the gang was at Phishie's house they tended to eat a lot of junk food which also included breakfast. The Breakfast of Champions was any junk food they ended up eating when they were at Phish's house. They were champions after all.

Looking over at the couch it seemed her "EDM artist equivalent" was still heavily passed out on the couch. The Mau5 was all sprawled out, limbs hanging off, blankets on the floor and was that... was that drool? Natasha walked over to get a better look. Yep, that was definitely drool. Gross.

Watching him snore, Natasha sighed.Why was her equivalent such an idiot? (because you are one...?). Nevermind the fact he had flown all the way to Texas from Canada, he had broken into the house. It's a felony called breaking and entering? It's pretty simple the title is literally how you do it. You break something, and enter. In this case, Joel had broken the garage door and entered Phishie's house. And all of this because he was worried about his friend... it was cute, really.

The problem was what had happened when he got here. Now he had to deal with being a father. Sonny had taken the role of motherhood like a phish to water... well the idea of it anyway. The goblin had a long way to go before he was actually motherly. But if Joel was anything like her, (as her 'mini Deadmau5' status claimed) it was going to be a lot harder. In her past, little kids actually used to scar the crap out of Natasha. Yet, every little child she had ever met adored her. It had taken a long time for her to adjust to them and eventually consider having her own someday. She guessed if she warmed up to them that meant there was hope for Joel too. Well, hopefully.

She was broken out of her thoughts by a groan.

"I need coffee."

Below her, Joel begin to stir just a bit but refused to open his eyes, knowing the bombardment of light that would be coming his way if he did.

"Hate to break it to you, but Phish doesn't have a coffee maker."

The Mau5 peeked a squinted eye at her. "What kind of household doesn't have a coffee machine?"

"The phishie kind?" Natasha smiled stupidly at her own joke.

Joel groaned. "Fuck!"

Natasha wasn't sure if his out burst was due to her lame pun or the lack of coffee... probably both.

"You could make a coffee run. There's a Starbucks nearby."

"Ehhh, I don't have the camera with me."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean that kind of coffee run. Besides I don't think Sonny wants to be in the same car as you right now anyways."

Joel sighed at the reminder of the recent hiccup in the relationship with his best friend."He's still mad at me, eh?"

"I hope that's rhetorical," Natasha said, making her way to the kitchen. "Not only is the answer obvious, you know him better than I do."

Deciding to make popcorn because why the hell not, Natasha put a bag in the microwave to pop. Above the constant pop of exploding kernels, she heard Joel exclaim.

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