Incognito in Stage lights

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About 2 years ago...

"-apparently he wants those stage lights"


"Which is weird when you think about it since, shouldn't he have enough already? Bucky said-"

Natasha stopped, turning to face her honey blonde friend. "Can we stop talking about this please?"


"Phishie, I already told you. I don't care what you tell Bucky. If she asks, tell her the truth, but I don't want to know anything. I'm trying to forget she ever existed."

"But this is important."

"Is she dying?"


"Is she in danger?"

"Nooo but-"

"Then I don't want to know." with that, Natasha continued down the hallway not bothering to check if Phish was behind her.

A few weeks ago, the lovers had broken up. Safe to say Natasha was taking it pretty hard. Although she constantly urged Aurelia and Karmina to hang out with Jamie and be friends; personally she couldn't do it. it was painful to even think about her, much less talk or even look at the blonde. So, to keep herself sane she had implemented the rule of 'Don't even talk about her'. The idea was never talking about Bucky would prevent her from thinking about it and help her forget about Jamie completely. But forgetting the best thing that ever happened to her seemed impossible.

It didn't matter anymore, at least that's what she told herself. It was really for the best anyways right? Removing herself from the entire situation was in their best interests. This way, Natasha couldn't hurt her anymore because they wouldn't get into fights anymore. They wouldn't speak at all. Plus Jamie wouldn't have to lie and sneak around just to date her. Yeah, complete avoidance would just be safer for everybody.

Aurelia soon caught up with her broken hearted friend, deciding to drop the subject knowing Nat
would regret it later.

That later came sooner than expected. As usual, Mr. Clarke's classroom was talkative and loud as creative minds clashed to create masterpieces. Being a film class they exercised an organized chaos because every project was basically student run. During project days, Mr. Clarke did little besides supervise and help when asked. He liked letting the kids do their own thing. Today was no different; everyone was in their respective teams working on their horror short films. But today was unusual because they had an unexpected visitor.

All heads turned at the sound of the door opening. He was a bit short in height. A red hoodie dwarfed his small frame, grey cargo pants hanging loosely on his waist. The pants were obviously too big for him because they slouched into his black converse, too tall for his stature. On his face, dark shades covered his eyes and a baseball cap hid the signature hairdo. An average Joe wouldn't look twice at him. In fact, without his signature look, he was a lot less recognizable but this was Natasha. Someone who had been shown countless numbers of online videos and personal photos. To her, that familiar jawline and snakebites gave it away. There was no mistaken that the man who had just walked into the door was...

Sonny. John. Moore.

The brother of her girlfrie- no x. Her x-girlfriend. The brother of her x-girlfriend who probably had enough money to kill her and get away with it. The one who had already got onto her before during previous fights with Jamie.

Holy. Fucking.... SHIT!

Quickly Natasha closed her mouth before he caught her starring at him. The two of them had never actually met face to face... So he wouldn't know what she looked like anyways, right? Bucky wouldn't have photos of her either, it was too risky. But you couldn't be too careful Natasha supposed. Acting quickly, she elbowed her pen off the table and facing away from the door bent down to pick it up. But instead of returning to her seat she continued to hide under the table.

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