Mau5 Ears

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The only sound in the dining room was Natasha's heavy breathing.

"Ah!" said person winced again as her girlfriend picked another shard of glass from her leg.

Bucky glanced up with a mean look, not the least bit pleased Natasha had lied to her about being okay. After the pod shattered, the three of them had split up. Sonny had taken the alien inside to give it a bath. Meanwhile, Bucky and Nat had carried the tube remnants, along with the goop, inside the house to examine. Miraculously, the power had started working again so they could see what they were doing, but only when Bucky had turned on the dining room light had she seen Nat's legs. The glass had made short work of Natasha, some pieces even embedding themselves in her flesh. Blood was dripping in rivets down her shins and her pajamas were soaked in it. Knowing first aid, Bucky had immediately sat Nat in a chair and grabbed the first aid kit.

"Maybe if you hadn't been an idiot about it, this wouldn't hurt so much!" The blonde growled at her friend before refocusing her attention on taking out another tiny shard of glass.

"I doubt- ow- admitting it would have-" Natasha took a sharp breath as a very large piece was taken out. "-prevented glass from slicing up my legs..."

Having no reply, Bucky bitterly continued plucking pieces of alien tube from her friend's legs as Nat cursed under her breath. To be honest, Natasha was a little scared of her girlfriend's temper at the moment. Generally speaking, Nat was afraid of pain so she avoided being in situations where she could be harmed. Therefore, she had never been seriously injured before. Honestly, this was the first time something like this had happened to her, unlike her blonde friend who did dangerous things all the time. Natasha wasn't even sure what had possessed her to lie about being injured, it was so unlike her. Now she was really regretting it. Natasha had never seen Bucky mad about her injuring herself because it was always the other way around.

"No no no, Owsla, this way!"

Both heads snapped up as they watched Sonny do the protective dance behind the tiny alien as it crawled across the floor. The little blue being was now clean of pod goop and wearing a small t-shirt, probably taken off of one of Abby's stuffed animals. Making her way across the floor, she stopped at Natasha's chair, reaching up with a tiny hand to grab at her pajama pants.

"Aww..." Natasha picked up the little thing, sitting it in her lap. "She's adorable."

"Mhmm" Bucky nonchalantly commented. She wasn't going to outright disagree, but it was obvious she had a differing opinion about the little blue thing.

"I gave Owsla a bath in the bathroom sink." 

"Owsla? That's what you named it?" Bucky made a face of skepticism.

"Owsla, huh?" Nat lifted the little thing in her arms to look at her critically. After a long pause, she finally broke into a huge smile. "That's adorable, I love it!" Owsla began to laugh and giggle in her arms, as if agreeing with the semi-redhead.

"You do know you're cooing over an alien, right?"

"Aw, but she's cute. Come on Bucky, lighten up."

"Yeah, what's there not to coo over?" Sonny agreed, watching Owsla with bright eyes.

"I don't know, how about the fact she has blue skin, four arms and purple hair... and lets not forget she has boobs but she's the size of an infant." Bucky rolled her eyes. She loved her best friend, but sometimes she questioned Nat's sanity.

Lowering Owsla back into her lap, Nat starred at Bucky seriously. "Jack, she's an alien species, cut her some slack."

"How can I? She's an ALIEN, Rose! We don't know anything about her. For all we know, this could all be an act to lower our guard so she can kill us all."

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