Surprises and Disguises

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The day had been positively exhausting. You would think Bucky would be used to a rambunctious kid; she had to take care of Abby all the time and she hadn't met a more hyper kid yet. But Owsla wasn't a human child so apparently all the usual rules had run away terrified. The worst part was, the day was far from being over.

Truth be told, Bucky positively adored children; which had come as a huge surprise to her girlfriend. But it was true, she had three younger siblings who she had practically raised and that was without counting Abby. Yet, not only was Owsla as hyper as all get out, the blonde could not shake the lingering feeling that something was off about the blue being... besides the obvious of course. Now that she had finally caught a break, Bucky finally allowed herself to relax against the back door as she shut it. Outside, her brother was pushing Owsla on the swing while Phishie swung beside her. With no other swing to swing on, the Winter Solider had seen her chance to escape inside for a drink.

Taking a water bottle from the mini fridge, she happily began chugging it down, the cool water refreshing her parched tongue. Her re hydration was suddenly interrupted by a phone ringing. Searching quickly, she found Natasha's phone ringing on the island counter.

Speaking of Natasha, where was she? The semi-red head had come in a while ago but never came back outside. So where had she gotten off to? Grabbing the girl's phone, Bucky set off to find her missing girlfriend.

Finding the bathroom light on, she opened the door. This particular bathroom had two doors that sectioned off the toliet and shower area so there was no way she would walk in on something, right? Wrong. Opening the door, she came in to the sight of her girlfriend bent over, clad in nothing but red and black stripped underwear.

"Hey." Nat greeted her. Although she had recognized Bucky's presence, she made no attempt to do anything... besides continue to dry her short hair with a fluffy blue towel. Which of course was why she was bent over in the first place.

"Um... hi?" Bucky swallowed a bit nervously. Why was she here again? The sight before her was a bit distracting to say the least. To give her credit though, anyone who walked in on their partner topless and bent over would be.

"Was there something you wanted Jack?" Natasha's voice snapped Bucky out of her thoughts that were very quickly slipping into the gutter. "You know, besides gawk at my half naked body like a horny teenager?" Although Bucky couldn't see it, Natasha was undoubtedly smirking.

The poor girl flushed. "You could at least TRY to be modest!"

"Why?" Her girlfriend asked oh-so-innocently as she stood up with purposeful slowness while she held the towel to cover her bare front. "You're my girlfriend and you can't see anything anyways because I'm covered. Are you telling me you can see through my legs to my chest when I bend over?"


"Then who cares?" Natasha turned around to face her.

These were the sort of moments Bucky asked herself why she was in love with this girl. Not only did she have no shame with being nude in front of others but she was a tease. A most frustrating combination that drove her insane. Although she had a point, Natasha knew what she was doing, the damn tease!

"Besides," Nat continued. "This is my shower that you're interrupting. No one should have to be modest when they shower."

Before Bucky could chew her out for deliberately egging her on, Natasha's phone began ringing again which had previously stopped.

"Is that mine?"

"Yeah, it's the only reason I'm here in the first place."

Natasha raised an eyebrow as she took the phone from her. "Are you saying you didn't want to see me naked?"

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