For lack of a better comeback

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"Mom!" as soon as Sonny and Joel entered the lab, Owsla came running over to them, flinging all four arms around her mother. "...Dad." she said with a slight glare as she looked at Joel, standing right next to them.

"Owsla." he replied, just as cold. He wasn't going to be intimidated by a little kid.

Sonny not-so-secretly elbowed Joel for his tone, smiling brightly at Owsla as the Mau5 doubled over beside him. "Hi sweetheart!"

"Ah, the Skrill X and the dead mouse," a lanky dork in a lab coat spoke up from across the room where he sat at a lab table. "Nice to meet you."

"Er..." Joel was immediately off put by the way Theodore said his name. It sounded so... awkward... and just plain... wrong. When he had run into the young scientist earlier, he had assumed the guy recognized him because he simply told him 'You can all come see Owsla now.' and walked off. The short lived encounter hadn't left room for introductions. Now hearing his name coming from Theodore for the first time, it unnerved him. Was it just him or was Sonny unnerved too? He glanced at his best friend beside him.

"Sonny and Joel is fine," the raven hair said, giving Joel a look. So it wasn't just him. "We're trying to keep a low profile..." Sonny said, always the nice guy, trying to come up with some viable excuse. "Thank you... for doing this." he added while shifting awkwardly, he had never met Theodore before either.

Immediately, Theodore had stars in his eyes. "Oh you don't have to thank me, it was my pleasure!" he sighed dreamily. "I got to run lots of tests and I can't wait for the results and all that glorious scientific data~!" 

Sonny looked at the young scientist suspiciously before holding Owsla at arms length to look at her very seriously. "Did he do anything weird to you? Make you feel uncomfortable at all?"

Owsla looked at her mom, mortified. "Of course not!" Owsla suddenly looked uncertain. "I mean... all of it was pretty weird... but- but nothing like THAT!" she flatly refused.

"AH!" both mother and child jumped as Joel screamed beside them. There was a cotton swab sticking out of his mouth which Theodore had just stuck down his throat without warning. Joel tried to shove him off but Theodore had already walked off. "What the hell man!"

"I needed a DNA sample and you were just starring off into space so..." Theodore shrugged, carefully placing the sample aide for analysis later.

"Why the hell would you need that, I thought you were supposed to be analyzing the kid!"

"I am. I wish to compare Owsla's DNA to a human." 

"Don't you have samples 'n' shit in the lab already for that!"

"Well we have samples to run in the lab but if I used one, I'd have to keep record of it," Theodore's glasses glinted, almost threateningly, as he turned to face them. "Which is a huge no-no."

Joel glared at the young scientist for a few seconds before turning away with an irritated grunt, for lack of a better come back.

"Well there are many test results and scientific findings to go over so if you two will take a seat we can get started." Theodore gestured to the lab stools around him and the three hesitantly took their seats, already unnerved by the dude.

"Why do I have to be here for this?" Joel grumbled half-heartedly. He was only here for Sonny's sake. He felt uncomfortable being involved in Owsla's medical results, it wasn't his business, he wasn't involved, and he wanted it to stay that way.

"Because you're her father!"

"I told you, she's not-"

"Joel." Sonny gave him a glare in warning. It was clear he didn't want to argue about this- not in front of Owsla.

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