Welcome to... Motherhood?

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"SONNY!" Natasha screamed.

Sonny had been so shocked by Owsla's words, he had almost dropped her. Snapping back to focus though, he was able to re-establish his grip before it was too late. Jumping from her seat, Nat hurried over on her injured legs and took Owsla from him.

Bucky looked equally horrified. "You almost dropped her dude."

Natasha, after retrieving the almost dropped infant, retreated to the other side of the room. Holding Owsla protectively in her arms she glared at him as she spoke. "You could have killed her!"

"But.. but- she just- she said-" Sonny continued to stammer in comprehensively. The stimulus of Owsla's words seeming to have short circuited the brain power he had left.

Ignoring him, Nat continued. "Your Owsla holding privileges are now revoked in till further notice!" she declared.

Finally, the goblin's brain rebooted and was able to form sentences once again. "She called me Mommy."

There was silence as they all paused. None of them could deny they had heard it loud and clear, so how could they explain the strange occurrence they had all heard? Deciding it was time to get to the bottom of this, Natasha was the first to step into action. Sitting in a dinning chair once again she plopped Owsla down on the table in front of her, starring at the creature suspiciously.

"Owsla, who is this?" Calmly reaching out to her right, she grabbed Sonny, positioning his face right in front of Owsla's line of sight.

It took Owsla a moment to recognize him but she cheerfully exclaimed "Mommy!" Without hesitation.

"No," Sonny shook his head. "Sonny. Son. E."

"Sonnie iz mommy!" The blue being replied.

"Wha-! No!" But the poor EDM star could only lower his head in defeat as the blue alien just kept laughing happily at him. Meanwhile another sound of merry was piercing the air.

Turning around, Nat found the source of the giggling in the corner. Bucky of course being the culprit. Natasha just shook her head as Sonny too turned to look at the blonde.

"That.. that... that thing... thinks you're it's mother!" Bucky barely made the words out in her fit of laughter.

"That thing has a name!" Sonny defended.

Bucky mustered up a straight face. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah!" Sonny stood there for a second, an awkward pause separating his words as he blinked at her. "Owsla!"

This time they both laughed. Natasha trying to hide her wavering face behind her sleeve while Bucky openly burst out in a fit of giggles.

Nat couldn't stop her next comment from leaving her mouth. "That's only something it's mother would say." And finally she leaned her head back to laugh openly too, her and Bucky both struggling to breath between their chuckling.

Sonny's ears burned pink. "W-well, s-so what?" he stammered defensively. "She has MY logo on her forehead and the pod landed in MY backyard so obviously she's MY alien.. child... thing?"

The two teens struggled to regain their serious faces as Sonny sat back down at the dinning table, pouting.

A creature of opportunity, almost immediately Owsla called out to him as he sat down, "Mommy!" she said happily. And reaching out to him, the little being stood shakily on her little legs and took a few steps towards him before falling onto her knees into his waiting arms.

Completely forgetting about being embarrassed, the raven haired man squealed enthusiastically "Oh my god! She took her first steps!"

Natasha, having regained her composure, frowned uneasily. "Her development is surprisingly fast..."

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