Bad Feeling Confirmed

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The gang was spread out in the booth, their starving stomachs sated with the endless buffet of pizza at CiCi's. On one side, Owsla was clinging close to her mother as she sat on his lap.  Next to them, Phishie was taking up one forth of the table with her sketchbook. In the other seat, Bucky sat with her back against the wall, already haven taken the liberty of putting her feet in Natasha's lap.

"Rose, I think you have enough cheese."

Natasha looked up at her girlfriend "It's good this way."

Phishie pipped up, not bothering to even look up from her artwork. "Nat, you're basically having cheese with a side of bread."

Nat made a pouty face as she looked back at her meal. "There's some pepperoni in there too..." she had pilled her plate with hot slices of pepperoni Alfredo pizza... And then proceeded to top it with all the parmesan cheese its juices could hold.

"I can count 5 pepperoni slices total"

"Well... whatever its still delicious."

Catching her girlfriend's eye roll in the corner of her own vision, Nat gave the blonde's ankle a little tickle. Bucky visibly jumped in response, managing now to shriek in shock and discomfort. The face that glared back at her was positively murderous. When the blonde didn't take immediate revengeful actions, Natasha knew there would be serious retribution later... she just couldn't bring herself to care at the moment because had been driving her crazy all day... and not in a bad way. For now, Natasha decided to happily munch on her cheese with a side of bread.

"Open up Owsla, here comes the train... Chugga chugga chugga chugga..." the spoon of goop landed safely in Owsla's little mouth. "Choo-choo!"

For Owsla's dinner, they had brought the rest of the pod goop since it was the only thing the alien had asked to eat so far, thanks to the unshrinkafication process or whatever it was called. Bucky watched as her brother fed the thing. The thermos they had brought it in was Abby's so it was all pink with flowers. The blonde had seen her brother in many weird situations before... But she was pretty sure alien in lap with flower power thermos acting like a mother hen took the cake.

Sonny wiped Owsla's face to where some pod goop was dribbling down her chin.

"Careful!" Nat warned. "You can't rub too hard or the makeup will come off."

"Oh yeah..." noticing a blue spot, Sonny smudged the foundation back into place.

Although a lot of her blue skin was covered by the clothes she wore, her face had still been a huge concern. Thanks to Natasha's knowledge of makeup however, she was easily able to cover it up with some foundation and concealer. This way little Owsla could go outside as long ad the makeup stayed in place.

Bucky sighed as she watched her brother play mommy. When she thought about it, Natasha was right. Owsla had never given her reason to be suspicious of the little alien. Still, no matter how much she tried, the young DJ could not get that nagging feeling off her mind.


The gang looked up as Phishie leaned back in the seat to stretch, muscles cramped from being hunched over her latest masterpiece. The gang looked over to see her creation.

"Look Owsla!" Sonny pointed at Phishie's sketchbook. "It's you!"

Bucky examined the sketchbook and sure enough, there it was. The drawing had perfectly captured the adorable being's charisma with a huge smile. In the drawing Owsla seemed to be running towards you, all four arms spread wide, most likely playing airplane. Behind her a small figure seemed to be running after her who Bucky assumed was her idiot brother.

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