BONUS CHAPTER 10: Pocky Game Challange

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"Hey Nattie? What's that?"

Natasha stopped short of putting the snack in her mouth. Setting it down, she looked at Owsla. "It's called Pocky. They're a snack made in Japan. It's chocolate covered biscuit sticks."

"Pocky?" Sonny looked up from making a sandwich in the kitchen.

"Oh!" Phishie's eyes lit up in recognition. "I've heard of those. Isn't there some sort of game you can play with it? I think Markiplier played it once..."

"Really?" Sonny jumped up and down excitedly. "Let's play!"

"Uhh..." Natasha glanced at the man worriedly. Surely he wasn't serious.

"Oh, can we Nattie!" Owsla begged beside her. "Can we? Can we? Can we, pleeeeeeaaaaase!"

"Yeah Nattie, please?" Sonny agreed.

Bucky looked up from her own lunch. "What's the deal Rose? Why not just let them play?"

"I really don't think you guys understand what the game is about."

"If you don't wanna play, just show us how and we'll play by ourselves." Phishie reasoned.

Natasha realized that her friend was trying to be diplomatic but she was pretty sure no one actually wanted to play this game. Not after they found out what it was of course. Besides, this was supposed to be lunch. Natasha did NOT want everyone's lunch time being interrupted by a huge make out session between all of them like some god forsaken orgy and- oh god. She shut her eyes closed. NOT WITH THESE PEOPLE! Stop thinking about it! These where the times when living in the gutter backfired horrendously.

"Look guys, it requires two people." Surely that would be discouraging.

"Then I'll play with you."

The gang looked up at the voice from the other end of the room. Joel was still making his lunch in the kitchen. Currently, he was non nonchalantly snacking on a bag of chips.

Natasha just met his gaze with an annoyed stare. "You obviously don't know how to play." she concluded. If any of them knew the nature of this game the only one volunteering would be Bucky and she didn't do PDA so that was out of the question.

"Sure I do," the Mau5 swallowed a mouthful of chips before continuing, "I've played it before, so has Sonny... he was probably just too drunk to remember."

The look on the goblin's face confirmed it as he looked at his best friend confused. "I have?"

"He has?" Nat stared at him in shock. "With who.... you?"

Joel slammed his chip bag down on the counter, caught off guard by the sudden question. "Don't get any ideas!"

Natasha supposed she should refrain from telling him her mind was way past that point. Oh well, he's the one who said it. Besides... was that red in his cheeks blushing? Yeah, he was. Smiling secretly to herself she decided not to mention it and return to the task of convincing everyone NOT to play this game.

"Well forget it. There's not way I'm going to demonstrate the game with you."

Joel narrowed his eyes. He saw that smile from a mile away. Time for some good ol' revenge, eh? "Why? Too chicken?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I thought you were demisexual so what would it even matter? ...Unless you have feelings for me?" The Mau5 smirked like an asshole.

"Of course not!"

"Oh I get it, you've been with a girl so long you've forgotten how to kiss a guy... are you really that gay?"

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