I guess I'm an Elf (part 1)

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So, I was a pretty average kid. Blonde hair, hazel eyes, and I was pretty popular too. I mean, not to brag or anything. And I lived in Australia, a continent just below Asia, for all those obnoxious Americans that can't be bothered to learn what Australia is, or the difference between Australia and New Zealand. THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT PLACES PEOPLE!!!

 Anyways, back to my story. When I was 7, I fell down the stairs when my dad was looking after me, and I hit my head on the railing. Ever since, I've had this ability to make people feel pain. It's really scary. And the scariest bit is being the only person able to do that. It's extremely lonely. But, over the years, I had learnt to suppress my emotions. And, whenever I did lose control, I'd make it look like it was a migraine, or a beating. I would rather be in trouble than be in a government lab being tested.

 Anyways, fast forward to when I was 11, I was at a school excursion at Scitech, were every West Aussie kid has had at least one excursion to. I was in the breakout room, when I saw this boy with teal eyes. He was wearing a marvel shirt, since obviously HE didn't have a stupid school uniform, and I remember him clearly because I'd never seen anyone like him. I mean, who has met someone, or even SEEN someone with teal eyes before? 

He saw me, and I quickly glanced away. I blushed, but kept walking towards my teacher. But I could just feel his stare. When I turned around, he was closer. He kept walking towards me, getting closer and close. I took a step back. I didn't know this guy, and he was already freaking me out. He was strange, and somehow different. Some of the other girls in my class were goggling at him, and I rolled my eyes at them, before focusing on how the boy was cautiously stepping closer. 

I met his eyes,and he stopped. Then, he scrunched his eyebrows together. I felt my anger rising. Was he judging me? The anger starting boiling over. I tried to calm myself down, but I had left it too late. And next thing I knew, the teal eyed boy was on the ground, writhing in pain.

Scarlett FosterWhere stories live. Discover now