I guess I'm an elf (part 2)

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Everyone started gathering around the boy, checking if he was okay. I took a few steps away from him. Then, I felt a voice inside my head. 

Did you just inflict on me? I froze. Not because he knew I had inflicted on him, but the fact that he was IN MY HEAD! I'll take that as a 'yes'. I shake my head furiously, and back away. Then, the boy sits up, and he speaks to the people. I didn't pay attention to what he said. I was focusing on how his accent was...weird. It was almost...crisp. 

The adults gave him pitying looks, and left him alone. Then, he started getting up. That when I realised I had been holding my breath. He looked at me, and my throat closed up. I needed air. He continued walking towards me. I was suffering from the lack of Oxygen. I ran out the door, and down the stairs, and out of Scitech.

 I take a big gulp of air, as I looked around. I was completely alone. Then, I hear footsteps behind me. Him. I turn around, to see the brunette with the teal eyes. He looks at me, and smiles a movie star grin. I glare at him. He clears his throat.

 "I never properly introduced myself. I'm Fitz." Fitz? What kind of a name was that? He kept looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

 "Oh, sorry. I'm Scarlett." I honestly don't know why I was sorry, but my parents trained me to be polite. Even when faced with those who scare you or are mean to you. And this boy definitely fit into the "scares the hell out of me" category. 

"Hi Scarlett. Now, I'm gonna ask you a question, and you are going to answer it honestly, okay?" I frown at him. "Depends on the question, doesn't it?" I smile a super sweet smile, and he muses his hair, his expression showing that he's aggravated. And so he should be. Then, he stared right at me, and asked the question I had been dreading.

 "Did you inflict on me?" This time, he said it out loud. I met his stare, a blank expression on my face. "How did you get in my head?" He smirks. "I'll take that as a yes, Scarlett. You'll need to come with me." I take a step back. He sighs, and I scowl at him. He could be kidnapping me for all I know, or taking me to some government lab! How can I trust him? 

"Scarlett. Focus. Now, I am going to tell you something that will change your life forever." I freeze, staring at him, terrified. "You aren't human." I let that information sink in. I was silent for a while. Then, I burst out laughing. He scowls at me. 

"I'm serious!" I keep laughing. "Riiiiiiight. If I were to believe you, which I DONT, what would I be? And alien? A zombie? Ooo! Ooo! A robot?! NO! A CYBORG! Nah, I'm betting on robot." He rolls his eyes at me, but blushes slightly. Then, he stares at me. 

"Your an Elf." I burst out laughing again. "Okay, so, what are we gonna do now, Fitz? Go to the mother pole? Help Santa wrap gifts? Decide who is naughty or nice?" He stares at me. "No, that's ridiculous." "So, going to the North Pole to help Santa is more ridiculous than me not being human? Can you hear yourself?!" He sighs again, and strokes a hand through his hair again. I think it's an anger management thing. 

"I'll prove it to you." He pulls out some kind of wand, and holds it up to the light. Now, Scarlett, only think about holding my hand. Don't think about anything else, okay? Oh, and you need to wear this." He puts a weird bracelet-y thing on my wrist. "What's that?" "It's a nexus, but I'll explain more once we're back home." "But this is my home." He gives me a slightly pitying look. "Not anymore."

Scarlett FosterWhere stories live. Discover now