Meeting Jex

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So, it was the funeral for Sophie and Dex, and I was getting ready. I put on my best black dress.

But, when edaline came in, she looked at me, confused.

"Why are you wearing black, Scarlett?" "It's a funeral. Black represents death."

Edaline looks at me, and smiles a sad smile.

"We were green, Scarlett. I'll explain why some other time." I frown, but don't argue.

I then dress into a green dress. It's a simple fern green colour, and a simple design. It has a knee length skirt, and a dark green ribbon around the waist. It has no sleeves, but has a strap on either shoulder. I tie my hair into a high pony, with a ribbon that matches the one on my dress. Edaline comes to get me, and me, her and Grady all leave for the funeral.

Once we arrive, lots of people approach us, giving us their sympathy. I can't look any of them in the eye. It's too hard. Maybe if I stop thinking about it, they'll go away. And she'll be back...

Grady and Edaline lead me towards the front of the pack, weaving through the crowd of people. 

When I pass the Vackers, I can't even scowl at them, or say anything mean. That shows how much Sophie's...death...has affected me. 

Once we get to the front, we stand next to a whole in the ground, while Kesler and Juline's family stand by the other. I see the triplets, and a girl that looks a bit older than me. They are all upset. Even the triplets aren't being as chaotic as usual. 

Then, next thing I know, there is a tree next to me, all limp and skinny. Sophie's tree. I can't look at any of the people coming forward. All they say is some version of, "I am so sorry. Can I help?" 

And I hate it. 

When the Sencen's come up, Kyra hugs me, offering her support. I just smile a sad smile. 

Then come the Vackers. After Kyra's hug, I feel a bit more like myself. So, I scowl at Fitz, glare at Biana, and glare at Alvar. And a death glare is given to Alden. When they offer for support, I snap at them, "Unless you can bring her back, theirs no point in even offering." Alden just looks down, and Fitz looks depressed. I give him a death glare, and they move on. 

Then, Aster comes forward, with Quan and Mai in tow. I don't think either of us feel like hugging much, but we share a sad smile. I don't think she knew Sophie much, but she knows how this has taken a toll on me, so she just offers her sympathy. Which I take. 

After everyone has given us their condolences, it's just us and the Dizznee's. I see the girl I saw before. I walk up to her. 



We both kinda just look at each other. And the floor. Mostly the floor. Then she smiles to herself. I look up from the floor. 

"What?" "Are you the one Dex talks about? Brown eyes, blonde hair...yes, I think that's you." I smile. "Nah, not me. Probably my twin. Sophie." 

Then, my face falls, and so does hers. Then, her face lights up. 

"Did you live with the humans?" I smile. "Yeah." "What were they like?" "Well...normal, I guess?" 

We both laugh. 

"The thing is, once you're living with them, they are normal." "I can't even imagine living with humans. I have only been to the Forbidden Cities a few times." I look at her, confused. "Who took you?" She looks suspicious. 

"I don't think I can tell you." I tilt my head slightly. Then, I raise my left eyebrow. 

"Did Kyra take you?" She looks startled for a moment, but she recovers quickly. "What makes you think that?" "Ha! It WAS Kyra!" She looks at me, still suspiciously. 

"Don't worry, Kyra's my friend, too. And, I'm also guilty of going to the Forbidden Cities. I can bet most of the things she tells you would have come from me." She looks like she's about to say something, when she stops. 

I look where she's looking, and see Grady and Edaline approaching me. Edaline puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"We should probably get going." "Ok. Cya...umm..." "Jex." "Cya Jex!" "Cya, um..." "Scarlett." "Cya Scarlett!" We share a smile before I glitter away. 

Scarlett FosterWhere stories live. Discover now