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I kept staring at her. She looked exactly like me. When I don't have my hair curled. We just kept staring at each other. Then, she gasps, breaking out eye contact. I step back, startled. She is pointing at my eyes, her brown eyes wide. I scowl at her, crossing my arms.

"Have you never seen a girl with brown eyes before? Oh wait, don't you see that every time you look in the mirror?" I snap. She glares at me, and then looks at Edaline.

"Why is there a human here?" I snap my head back at her, giving her a death glare.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I not here? Could you have not asked me why I'm here? Also, I am NOT a human. Humans can't inflict pain on people when they are mad. And I am getting quite mad..."

She shuffles uncomfortably on her bed. "Sorry, it's have brown eyes." I scoff.

"Says the girl with brown eyes." She glares at me. "That's different. I'm the ONLY elf with brown eyes."

"Obviously not. But, if you need me to prove that I'm an elf, I will happily demonstrate my ability. All I need is a test subject..." She shuffles a bit further down the bed. Edaline jumps in.

"Now, Scarlett, let's not get things out of hand. It's only your first day here, and I don't want to watch someone writhing on the floor." I smile brightly.

"Of course not." Both edaline and Sophie sigh a sigh of relief. I smirk.

"Who says you would have to be in the room at the same time I did my demonstration?"

They both freeze. The look on that blondie's face! Priceless! Then, Edaline gets that look on her face, like something has just clicked into place. She gasps.

"What is it?" I ask. Edaline looks back and forth, from me to Sophie and back to me. Edaline finally stops frantically looking at us.

"What are the odds that two elves, both with with brown eyes, would be hidden with the humans?"

Me and Sophie freeze, looking at each other, seeing something of ourselves in each other.



She isn't my sister.

We aren't related.




"How old are you, Scarlett?" I snap back to reality.

"12." Sophie freezes.

"Lemme guess. Your also 12?" She nods.

I freeze.

What if...

She was my...


Sophie gasps.


I snap my head at her.

"Did you just read my mind?!" She looks shepish.

"You were turning pale. I wanted to make sure everything was alright." I roll my eyes. "Sure. Whatever lets you sleep at night."

She gives me that, 'are you serious right now?' look. "But, we could be twins. What's your birthdate?" "My birthdate doesn't matter. Twins can have different birthdates."


"Let's just say we are twins for now, and hopefully either confirm it or get it declined."

I laugh. "Get it declined? That's the best you could do?" She scowls, but lets it go.

Edaline jumps in, breaking me and Sophie's eye contact. "You aren't the only ones in the room, twins. Now, Scarlett, let's get you settled into your room, while Sophie finishes her checkup."

I wave goodbye to Sophie, and follow Edaline, barely looking where I'm going.

Could Sophie really be my twin? Do I want her to be? My thought are immediately gone as I bump into the wall. Ouch. I rub my head and glare at the wall. Edaline just laughs. I then glare at her, and her face falls serious, but I could hear her sniffle a giggle. At least she's real with me. Unlike SOME PEOPLE. (hint hint, FITZ)

Then, I walk into my new room, and smile.

This is gonna be great.


Scarlett FosterWhere stories live. Discover now