Meeting Scarlett (Fitz's POV) Part 2

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Everything hurts. Pain was cursing through my veins as I gasped for breath. I had never been inflicted on before, so this was definitely a new experience. And one I didn't want to ever relive. 

After a while, the pain subsided, and I saw humans crowding around me, checking if I was okay. I tried to read the girls mind, but her blocking was too good. I couldn't get past it. So, instead, I transmitted to her. Did you just inflict on me? She froze. I'll take that as a 'yes'. She starts shaking her head furiously, backing away. 

Then, I sit up and start speaking to the crowd around me. They started asking question, and fretting over me. I gave them lots of phoney responses. I tried to make them believable by human standards, and eventually the crowds backed away. Some of the humans gave me pitying looks, and I just smiled while I looked at the girl. God was she hot. 

I started getting up, and I looked at her, and we made eyes contact. I got lost in her eyes as I walked towards her. Until she bolted out the door. Naturally, I ran after her. I follow her out of the building, as she takes big breathes of air. Then, she turns around, and I smile my movie star grin at her. She glares at me. Well, that wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. Couldn't she have at least blushed? 

I clear my throat. "I never properly introduced myself. I'm Fitz." Her eyebrows knit together. I keep looking at her. What's taking her so long to respond? 

"Oh, sorry. I'm Scarlett." Scarlett. Even her name was hot. "Hi Scarlett. Now, ima gonna ask you a question, and you are going to answer it honestly, okay?" She frowns at me. Jeez Scarlett. I'm just trying to my job. 

"Depends on the question, doesn't it?" She smiles a sweet smile that makes me irritated. God, she may be hot, but she isn't making my job any easier. I muse my hair. Then, I stare right at her. 

"Did you inflict on me?" This time, I said it out loud. She met my stare, a blank expression on her face. "How did you get in my head?" I smirk. She basically just admitted that she inflicted on me. Any other human would have scrunched their face up, and ask what that is. But, she didn't, because she knows she did it. 

"I'll take that as a yes, Scarlett. You'll need to come with me." She takes a step back, and I sigh. She scowls at me. "Scarlett. Focus. Now, I am going to tell you something that will change your life forever." She freezes, staring at me. She looks terrified. I meet her stare. 

"You aren't human." 

She just stands there, staring at me. At least a minute passes before she says something. And it wasn't what I was expecting. She bursts out laughing. I scowl at her. 

"Im serious!" She keeps laughing. "Riiiiiiight. If I were to believe you, which I DONT, what would I be? An alien? A zombie? Ooo! Ooo! A robot?! NO A CYBORG!" She thinks for a moment. "Nah. Im betting on robot." I roll my eyes at her, trying to not blush. I'm kinda failing at that. Then, once I have composed myself, I stare at her. 

"You're an Elf." She burst out laughing again. "Okay, so, what are we gonna do now, Fitz? Go to the North Pole? Help Santa wrap gifts? Decide who is naughty or nice?" I stare at her. "No. That's ridiculous." "So, going to the North Pole to help Santa is more ridiculous that me not being human? Can you hear yourself?!" I sigh, and stroke my hand through my hair again. 

"I'll prove it to you." I pull out my pathfinder, and hold it up to the light. "Now, Scarlett, only think about holding my hand. Don't think a bout anything else, okay?" Suddenly, I remember what my dad told me. 

"Oh, and you need to wear this." I put my old nexus on her wrist. "What's that?" "It's a nexus, but I'll explain more once we're back home." She looks at me, confused. "But this is my home." I give her a pitying look.

"Not anymore."

Scarlett FosterWhere stories live. Discover now