Meeting Scarlett (Neven's pov)

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Hey guys! Hope you have enjoyed reading the series so far! 

Now, Neven is also my character. Surprise!

But, I hope you enjoy reading his pov of what happened when he met Scarlett!

And, to all the boys reading, please give me feedback. This is my first time writing from a guy's perspective, and I need all the help I can get. 

Thanks in advance, and enjoy! 😁

So, it was lunch, and me and my mates were grabbing our food. Except, when we went to go to our usual table, we found it preoccupied by first years. A lot of them. And, there wasn't anywhere else to sit. 

Then, I saw a table with a girl sitting there, alone. Maybe she would let us sit there? I point at the table, and my mates nod. 

So, we approached her. Or, more specifically, me. I am definitely the best with girls in our group. But, that's only because the rest of the people in my group suck at talking to girls. Except Wesper, but he's gay, so it's different. 

For a few seconds I stand there, wondering what to do. Should I tap her on the shoulder? Clear my throat? None of the above? 

She turns around and sees me. 


Well that solves that. 

She has beautiful blonde hair that's tied in a pony tail by a red ribbon. Her skin is light, and she looks beautiful. 

But, I'm a man on a mission. I smile. 

"These seats taken?" She gives me a puzzled look. Did I say something wrong? 

"Sorry, but Jill, Jackie and James are sitting there, and I doubt that Zoe or Mel would be willing to give up their seats." She's being sarcastic. So I laugh. 

"You're funny. But seriously, can we sit here?" She rolls her eyes, which Surely not. 

"No one's stopping you." I focus on getting my mates seated, before checking it out. 

So, I smile, and signal for my mates to get seated. 

Then, I focus on her eyes again. They...they are brown! So...she's Sophie. The girl who got kidnapped. Who lived with humans. 

Then, she looks at me. She looks a bit annoyed. 

"What?" I turn a bit pink. Well, I need to why not ask her? 

"Are you Sophie?" I blurt. She crosses her arms, looking a bit more annoyed. Oh no. Sophie's an inflictor. I silently pray for her to not inflict on me. 

"Who wants to know?" Well, that's a better reaction than I was expecting. 

"Neven." Hope she doesn't want last names. She glares at me. Maybe she does? 

"Well, Neven, I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Sophie." I give her a puzzled look. 

"Are you being sarcastic again?" 


I'm even more puzzled than before. I mean, how can she have brown eyes and not be Sophie? 

"But you have brown eyes." I point out. Ugh, I'm an idiot. Of course she knows she has brown eyes! 

I can feel she's about to make a comment, and it would probably be something around the lines of, "Did you seriously think I didn't know my own eye colour?" Or something like that, when someone taps her on the shoulder. 

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