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There are MAJOR spoiler in this bit. 

If u haven't read Stellarlune, please do all the following,


2. Come back here are read the paragraph, because it makes no sense if u haven't read   Stellarlune

Please enjoy the bonus bit!

So, Keefe had just gotten back from the Forbidden Cities. I was still mad at Soph for getting him without me and Kyra and Aster, but Soph HAD vented to me about her complicated feelings. That's one improvement! 

I told her, "Go get Keefe, and forget about Fitz altogether. That's what I'm would do." She scowls at me. 

"I'm just gonna ignore the second part of the first sentence. Also, I kinda wanna come out of this with an amazing boyfriend and the other still being my friend." I give her a death glare. 

"Fitz is no friend." Soph defended Fitz, which I was very disappointed about. I interrupt her, "and, we're also congantes, so if we weren't friends, then that would waste our power," blah blah blah. 

"Soph! Fitz is into you! And so is Keefe! So WAKE UP ALREADY!!! But, all Fitz is looking for, is the title he lost when YOU arrived. Keefe ACTUALLY LIKES YOU!!! Hasn't Ro already told you that?" 

Sophie nods. I give off a relived sigh, because if she hadn't, this conversation would be very awkward. 

"Well, KEEFE LIKES YOU!!! You're smart, pretty, and imperfect. AND THATS HOW HE SEES YOU!!! unlike Fitz, who thinks your perfect, your powerful, and will win him respect. IS THAT REALLY THE KINDA GUY U WANNA BE WITH?!?!" Soph goes quiet. I'm worried I might have overreacted. I was about to tell her that she can be with whoever she wants to be with, when she spoke. 

"You're right." She whispered it, so that it was barely audible. But, as her twin, I actually almost CAN read her mind. I smiled at her. 

"That's the first time you've ever taken my relationship advice!" She looks down. "It's not like you're in a relationship." I smile smugly at her. 

"Actually, back in the forbidden cities, when I thought that I was human, I actually did have a boyfriend or two." She looks up, shocked. I smirk at her. 

"There is still a lot you still don't know about me." She gives me a hopeful look that I immediately shut down. "Some things, though, I won't be willing to share. At least not yet."

But I smirk again. "And, who gave u the idea I was single?" She stares at me, shocked. "But sadly for u, sis, that's not in the list of things I'm liking to share with u, yet." Her face falls slightly, but she respects my privacy, like I respect her. Most or the time. Sometimes. Okay, barely ever, but sometimes I'm a good sister!

 So, after that, we hugged. And, I decided that this was too...nice. So, naturally, I whispered in her ear, "don't let him reject you..." Soph turns pale white, and I laugh a hearty laugh. 

Then, after that I kept a close eye on her. During Foxfire, just to make sure that she wasnt about to give Fitzphie a second chance. She didn't approach Fitz at all, which made my heart light up with joy. Fitzphie might be extinct my next week! Yaaaaaassssss! 

Anyways, so, I saw Soph pacing in her room, talking to herself. I listened in, and heard her practicing a speech. THAT INVOLVED ASKING KEEFE OUT!!! OMIGOD!!! YAAAASSSS!! see ya later, Fitzy! In. Your. FACE! 

Ah, I've been waiting for this, since, like, FOREVER! They are so cute together!!! Like OMIGOD! So, then, everyday, I would literally stalk my sister. Wherever she went, I went, whether she liked it, knew it, or was just plain oblivious to it. 

Anyways, she was sleeping under the panakes tree, when Keefe and Silveny dropped in. She immediately bolted upright. I didn't hear much of what they said. But, then they froze stiff. I'm guessing that the note was mentioned. Bad move, sis. 

But, then they both relaxed and started walking away. 

Naturally, I followed them. 

Keefe lead Soph, (and me as well, whether he knew it or not) to this really cool, like, hideaway thing. It was so pretty! Hundreds of vines cove it's sheer, twinkling flowers wove back and forth through the trees. The canopy it created looked like shimmering gossamer lace. And, the ground was dotted with toadstools, glowing green, purple and blue. It felt like a sort of fairyland from my seven-year-old dreams! (The description of the place is out of stellarlune. Not my own work, but I did re word it slightly.)

Anyways, so, I was following them, when Soph tripped. If it weren't for Keefe being right in front of her, she would have gone SPLAT. 

But, for some reason, she was clinging to his shoulder, like a koala to a tree. He actually asked her if she'd hurt her ankle. She let go of him, claiming that she was, 'getting her bearings.' Wow, sis. Smooooth. She was probs just enjoying how close she was to him. 

Anyways, Keefe readjusted his position, so that he was walking next to her, HOLDING HER HAND!!! Just from Soph's expression, alone I could tell that she was excited as well. 

Anyways, they entered this beautiful grove. I honestly can't describe it. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. But, then I heard the word, 'romantic' come out of Soph's mouth, and both of them froze. 

To be honest, I did too. 

But, then, Soph professed her love to Keefe. She went completely off script. I was so proud of her. My heart filled the whole of my chest, spreading this amazing feeling throughout my body. 

Then, Keefe moved closer, and they whispered into each other's ears. Then, Sophie kicked a toadstool, or a mushroom. I don't know which, and I honestly don't care. 

Then, Soph held up their clasped hands. They talked a bit more, and then, Soph lean up wards, aligning their lips. She gave him a chance to back out. But he didn't. 

And then, if I didn't know that my sister would kill me, I would have screamed, FINALLY!!! 

It went on for at least a minute. It was the most adorable thing that I'd ever seen! Then, Keefe pulled away. He looked a little worried. 

Then, Soph smiled, and Keefe smiled the most adorable relieved smile EVER! (Well, second most adorable relieved smile ever. 😉)

He then pressed his forehead against hers, whispering something. Then, Soph was on her tiptoes again, trying to steal a quick kiss, but then I hear someone clear their throat behind me. 

Keefe and Sophie fling themselves as far away from each other as elven-ly possible, as I spin around, to see who caused the noise, while ducking, so Soph doesn't see me. 

I see Flori, smiling a big toothy grin. She sees me. I give her a death glare, and mouth to her that if she DARES tell Sophie that I was there, I would inflict on her, mesmerised her, and make her life living hell. 

She nodded at me, slightly shaking, but went back to her toothy grin. 

Then, of course, Sophie burst in, just as I duck behind a bush. They have a conversation, and leave. I am SO glad that Soph didn't see me, and that she got to enjoy her second first kiss. <3

Thanks for reading, and please comment a #SoKeefe if u ship them! 

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