I : New Beggining

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Lineysha's Pov

I closed my eyes. Tumingala ako sa langit at sinalubong ang bawat malalakas na patak ng ulan.


Loud thunder invaded the whole place.

Why so mad at me?

Why do you have to get something that is so important to me?

Ibinaba ko ang ulo ko at pinakatitigan ang puntod ng aking ina.

I smiled bitterly. She is the only beautiful thing in my life but she was taken away from me. I swallowed the lump on my throat. I want to cry badly but there's no tears coming out anymore. And it's so cold that my whole body's shaking.

This is the only time that I am this mad. Ngayon lang ako nakaramdam ng ganitong galit.

I kneeled in front of my mothers tomb and caressed it.

'Selene Cavari'

She is the only person who made me feel loved, but now she's gone.

How? Paano ako nito...

"I'm sorry mother...I'm s-sorry..."

"I'm sorry, my child.."

My brows furrowed as I held my head. That voice again, this is the second time that I heard that voice.

Umiling iling ako, nababaliw na ba ako? Bakit kung ano ano na ang naririnig ko?

Is my brain giving up? After the abuses that I did to it?

"Child, raise your head child."

Just...just who are you?

What is-what is happening?

Mariin kong ipinikit ang mga mata ko at pilit binura sa isip ang narinig.

Everything that I had vanished. My father, he abandoned me, he blamed me for everything hindi naman siya nagiisa dahil ako rin, sinisisi ko rin ang sarili ko.

Now I only have my self, and I do not want to lose even myself.

I stay staring at her tomb.


Sa paanong paraan ako dapat mabuhay ngayon?

It's so painful, bakit? Bakit kailangan kang kunin sa akin?

Lumipas ang mga minuto, kumunot ang noo ko nang hindi na maramdaman ang ulan ngunit umuualn pa rin naman.

Pagkatingala ko ay nakita ko ang isang babaeng may dala dalang itim na payong. Pinagmasdan ko ito, she's wearing a formal suit kung hindi lang dahil sa boots niyang hanggang sa tuhod. She looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Hello there demi-god" sandali akong natigilan.

"Who are you?" tumayo na ako, confused I look at her. May idinukot ito sa suot niya na isang sobre at inabot ito sa akin. It was a red envelope with a golden seal on it. Hindi ko iyon tinanggap at tinitigan lang ito.

A few seconds later she reached for my hand at inilagay iyon sa kamay ko, kaya wala na kong nagawa kundi tanggapin nalang iyon.

"I am Guma a satyr and my job is to put a demi-god in their safe heaven." kumindat ito sa akin at agad akong tinalikuran. Napaawang ang labi ko, for the first time it took me longer to process things.

Satyr? Demi-god?

Those... Those are from greek mythology.

Satyr a half goat and falf human, demi-god a half god and half mortal.

Theddeus Academy: Sea Of BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon