XI: First Quest

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Lineysha's Pov

"Meízon the headmistress is requesting for your presence."

They all looked at each other before started walking. Ang kaninang kaguluhan sa mukha nila ay napalitan ng excitement.

"Alright! This is it!" ngisi ni Critz.

"Grabe!! Gusto ko na lumabas sa academy na 'toh! Sa wakas!!"

Mission, I realized. I already know that this school has this kind of curriculum, we will go out of the Academy for a mission.

A mythical issue in mortal realm that must be solve to keep the balance between the realms. At ayun ang trabaho naming demi-gods.

"This is going to be exciting!!" Ciara exclaimed.

The Goddess Artemis has left already a while ago. While many of the students haven't moved on from what happened, marami ang bumalik ang malay marami naman ang dinala sa clinic.

"Are you fine now?" Zayn asked, I looked at him and nodded. I should be the one asking him that, he looks not okay. "Don't over excert your self." I nodded again. "Are you...really okay?" I nodded again.

Ano kayang nangyari sa kaniya? Seems like Artemis and him have known each other. The way they look at each other...

"Are you hungry?" I nodded. Wait, agad akong umiling nang marealize kung anong tanong niya, he then chuckled at my reaction making me stare at him more.

This is dangerous.

He is a son of Aphrodite!!

Someone please save me!!!

The gods might have heard my pledeged when Zia walked between us.

Zia then entered the headmistress office and we follow.

Huminga muna ako ng malalim, as soon as we entered the room the headmistress gestured us to sit down.


We all loked at her, she sat down on the table and smirked at us.

"You're on a quest" sandali akong natigilan, quest..

I tightened my fist. This is the beginning.

Maybe this is my chance?

"What mission?" Zia asked.

"Nahanap niyo na ba ang ibig sabihin ng prophecy?" sabay sabay silang umiling. Ako namana ay kumunot ang noo, prophecy?

Is that the one that I dreamt? They are looking for its meaning, well it simply says-

"What quest are we going to?"

"I decided to divide your class into two, boys and girls." the headmistress walked around us. "The boys will go see the problem of the water nymphs, and the girls will go at olympus to solve the barrier issue." All of them have the same reaction, they do not like the idea.

"Are you kidding us?!"


"That can't be."

"Do you think that gods are joke?" Harry spoke with a hint of irritation on his voice. "You know the barrier, in order to fix it we need to fix the current relation of the gods, and you're expecting us to do that?"

"Not y'all but the girls." Harry's jaw tightened.

"No! We can't send them there!" he was about to approach the headmistress but Ciara stopped him.

Theddeus Academy: Sea Of BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon