Part 1: Chapter 1: Reaping Day

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For as long as Eudoria could remember, it's always been her and the boys. A band of misfits, maybe, or just a group of kids living in a world of horror. Picking flowers from the feild beside their house, swimming in the ocean, digging their toes in the sand, running through the market. They did it all. District 4 was a wonderland for a child, the salt air was as fresh as the fish farmed from the sea. The plants were always green and misted with morning dew. It was paradise, well every day except for that one day, the day that 23 people died. The day were it no longer was green, it was no longer sunny, it was cold. The day of the reaping
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Eudoria sat up in her warm light blue sheets, her room was coated with white wood and had her collection of seashells sitting on her bedside table. Slowly she lowerd her feet to the floor, shivering at its cold touch. Looking out her window she could see the blurry headlights of the peacemakers trucks driving into city center for the reaping. Raindrops fell down the window, racing to get to the end. Tossed across her chair was a light blue dress with soft white trim around the neckline, it went to her knees, along with some white socks with ruffles and some small baby pink shoes. Mags must have laid this out while she slept. It was a new dress, a new dress for her first reaping. A new dress for the worst day of her life.

Mags had raised Eudoria ever since her father died 2 years ago. Mags was Eudoria's grandmother, so she had always been apart of her life. Yet, once her father died she moved into her grandmas house in victor row. Eudoria enjoyed her days with her grandma, they were quiet, Mags would always be sleeping or reading a book. I didn't really bother Eudoria because she had friends to play with. Mags also taught Eudoria how to fight. Eudoria's father had kept the games private from her, she thought it was because the games took his mom away from him. After the games, Mags and Eudoria's dad were never close. She was always quiet and afriad of him, to talk to him and connect with him. However, Mags had always been close with Eudoria, it was her second chance at being what she wanted before the games. She taught Eudoria how to fight for the games, helpful in Eudoria's world because her best friends were 3 wild boys.

Eudoria had first met Hudson, at the academy when they were 5. It was quite simple actually, they both sat at the same table on the first day of school, connecting over their love for turtles. Hudson and her would walk around the beaches for hours looking for turtles crawling on land. The blonde and her became best friends. Their days were filled with endless beach adventures. They built grand sandcastles, the tallest in the town, complete with seashell turrets and moats that filled with the incoming tide. Every afternoon, they'd race each other to the water's edge, laughing as the waves chased them back to shore. Finnick, was the 2nd addition to their group. He would often see them fooling around in the academy and wanted to join the fun. Finnick was always cocky but charming and sweet. He was a protector, a romantic. The trio was inseperatable, then along came Atlas. Atlas was a presumed loner to must, he was shy, always reading his book or fishing with his dad. Their family didn't have much money, if they did Atlas' dad usually spent it on liquor. The name Romano was known around the district in a bad way. A way that reflected on criminal actions done far in the past. Atlas could never work his way out. Not until, he met the trio. They took him in. It was always Eudoria and her boys. They were always together laughing, singing, yelling, talking. Eudoria and her boys.

She quickly got dressed, carful to not rip the delicate lacing of her stockings. Her made her way slowly down to the kitchen hopefully not to wake Mags. The stairs creaked under her feet, she went to the kettle that rested in the corner of the white kitchen and began to boil some water. She poured the boiling liquid into a blue mug, placing a tea packet gently in the glass. She brought it back upstairs, opening the door to her grandmothers room she set it down next to her bed and briskly left the room. She heard a small knock coming from the front door. She quickly ran through the door to see a sun tinted blonde mop of hair. She quickly opened the door.

" Finnick! You said you wouldn't be late."

" I'm not late, you're just up early." He said smiling at her. " Cmon let's go walk before we have to be in the square." He spoke

" Finnick, it's pouring rain." She said holding out her hand to catch the rain droplets.

" Since when has Mrs. Wendell been scared of water." He said crossing his arms

" I'm not," she said stepping out into the rain grabbing Finnick's hand, dragging him along. " Mags just bought me this dress that's all, but rain won't ruin it."

" I like it, your dress." He says smiling at her

" Thanks, I like your button up. It's very fitting." She said pushing him lightly on the arm. As they neared the beach they stopped on the top of the hill like they always do.

" Wanna race?" Finnick asks

" No, I can't in my new dress, Mags would be—." She says before she takes of running in the direction of the water.

"Cheater." Finnick screams behind her. Usually she can beat him in a race but in her little plantform shoes she can't fun as fast. She feels him catching up to her as his hands slide around her waist and twirl her around. They both laugh as Finnick spins her around and around.

" Finnick, put me down." She laughs. He finally puts her down but his hands still remain on her hips, he looks into her brown eyes. " If I get picked today, promise me you won't watch the games." He says his smile turns.

" Finnick you're not getting picked. Stop that, you are only 13 years old, your name is in there like what 2 times." Finnick was a year older than her and her other friends. This was Eudoria's first time being in the bowl, it was also Atlas and Hudson's first time.

" But what if I do." He said looking at the sand. Eudoria grabbed his hands and squeezed them tightly.

" You won't." She said giving him a tight hug. Her arms went around his neck as she held him like it was the last time. She knew that chances of him getting picked were slim to none. But there was always a chance. " I'm scared too." She whispers in his ear.

" We are going to be fine Doria, tomorrow we will be playing on the beach and swimming in the ocean like alaways." He said, Eudoria pulled back from the hug and looked into his eyes.

" Okay. Just like always." She said smiling softly.

" Let's go get the others ok?" She said as she started to walk back towards the town where Atlas and Hudson lived.

" Yeah, let's go." Finnick said somberly


Next chapter you get to meet the boys!!! Atlas is definitely my fav but let me know what you think. And any ideas you might have.

* also they are all like 12 almost 13, Finnick is probably 14 years old.*

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