Part 1: Chapter 7: Bloodbath

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            You would think it was a holiday in district 4, not in a happy way, no, the fact that the streets were empty. Everybody was locked inside their home, their eyes glued to their TV screens. Only peacekeepers dressed in white roamed the streets: guns pointed. Viewing was mandatory.

        Eudoria had not been able to sleep the night prior, she awoke with nightmares about Finnick being stabbed to death, impaled, poisoned, drowned. There wasn't a single scenario that didn't pass though her mind.  In the morning she awoke to loud thunder echoing through her white bedroom. She quickly got up and got dressed. Wearing a simple white skirt and a little blue button up with white fringe that she tucked into her skirt. She put on white stockings and her little black flats. Racing down the stairs she heard a knock on her door. Opening it reveled Hudson and Atlas.

    " What are you guys doing here." She asked pulling them both in her a hug. It was nice to talk with them again, it was nice not to be alone. She had been avoiding them ever since the reaping, the friend group without Finnick just didn't feel right.

" We couldn't let you watch this alone." Hudson said kissing the top of her head. That was something Finnick used to do to her, it left a somewhat sour taste when Hudson did it.

" I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you guys." Eudoria said shutting the door behind her friends

" It's ok, we understand, but we are always here for eachother." Atlas said.

" Oh stop being soppy, I know you just missed me madly." Eudoria said punching Atlas arm. Atlas grabbed her and slung his arm around her neck and rubbed her head like a big brother would do.

" Oh you know we can't survive without our Doria." He said laughing

" Where is Mags." Hudson asked making himself comfortable in the couch.

" She refuses to watch the games, locks herself in her room for the entire games." Eudoria said tuning the TV.

" How does she eat?" Atlas asked

" I feed her, bring her food." Eudoria said finally getting the TV to show the Hunger Games.

The logo of the capitol flashes on the screen, anger filters through Eudoria's body. Then it moves on to the announcers of the game. Cesar Flickerman and his famous purple hair and Claudius Templemen, they announce the games every year, capital celebritys, everybody loves them.

" Well hello everyone tuning in for the 65th annual Hunger Games!" Claudius days enthusiastically.

" Yes yes! I am very excited for this years action. We seem to have very clear front runners this year, some hard competition in the career districts." Cesar says looking into the camera.

" You know Cesar, I am especially looking forward to seeing the boy from district 4. Originally I thought he was too young but the boy has surprised me. I mean scoring a 10 at the age of 14. Incredible." At this comment Eudoria felt more relieved, Finnick was a front runner. People would see that he was strong, smart and skilled with weapons.

" That's good right, I mean they are calling Finnick their favorite for the games." Eudoria asked.

" Well maybe, but if I was the rest of the careers I would want to take him out first." Atlas said his chin in his hands. A shiver went up Eudoria's spine. Being good just means your a target. But being bad also makes you a target because you are easy. Your basically a target whatever you do.

Eudoria want to the drawer adjacent to the front door and grabbed her throwing knifes, they had wooden handles, engraved with her name, her father had given them to her before he passed. That was the only reason she really used them. Mags made her practice everyday. They relived her stress. Sitting back in the couch next to the boys, the threw the first group at the set targets around the room. The targets were ridden with knife implants, most of them bullseyes. Throwing all 9 of her knives, each hitting the bullseye perfectly.

" Getting good Dory." Hudson said, admiring her knife work. " You might even be better then me now."

" Oh please, I've always been better then you." Eudoria said pulling the knives out of the wall.

" I don't know about that." Hudson said.

" Guys it's starting!" Atlas said. Eudoria ran and sat of the couch, her heart beat was racing now, the mouth had gone dry.

" Finnick." Eudoria said under her breath as the camera showed Finnick rising onto the platform. Her fingers lightly grazed the TV screen over his small figure. He was in a simple black shirt and some grey cargo pants. He was looking around, taking in the rocky environment. The arena almost resembled a mountain side, it was littered with large boulders that would be hard to miniver but would be helpful for hiding spots. The cornucopia was a steel structure that had all different weapons inside, it was a candy shop for an assassin, or in this case a crazy tribute. On the outside of the cornucopia oak and spruce trees dotted the circle. Finnick could even smell some saltwater close by. It smelled just like home.

      Eudoria held her breath, she could see Finnicks brows furrow as the clock starting ticking. He assumed a running stance, towards the cornucopia. No. A good mentor would tell their tributes to run opposite direction unless they were skilled or had a serious death wish.


A loud bang went off, coming from the TV.

" Run." Eudoria yelled. Finnick took off sprinting, he had his eyes set on a green backpack that was propped on a large boulder. Finnick ran fast leaping across the rocks. In his side view the boy from 11 seemed to be after the same backpack. Finnick leaped on the backpack, and boy from 11 right after, punching Finnick in the face he managed to grab the backpack. Finnick rembered him from training, his name was Xavier. Finnick had meticulously studied everyone's weaknesses and strengths; noting them in his mind. Xavier was a short yet strong boy. He was tan with dirty blonde hair, his eyes were uneven, talked maybe. Xavier's weakness was very easy to notice, it was his left leg. When he was young it was run over by a grain truck. The doctors managed to keep the leg but it never was strong. His balance was always off. Finnick thought of Xavier's weakness as he kicked his leg hard, right by the knee. Xavier's leg bent the complete wrong direction as a loud snap could be heard. Finnick was then able to pry the backpack from his hands. Finnick turned on his heels and began to sprit to the trees outside the blood bath cornucopia. Hopefully Claudia would survive, he would meet up with her later. On his left he eyed the girl from district 1; Silk. Silk had a large metal spear in her hands, she quickly propelled it in Finnicks direction. The spear missed.

Weakness: can't aim.

    Finnick ran deeper and deeper into the trees until he couldn't run anymore. He quickly opened his pack and observed what he had acquired. A water bottle, a food bar, a net, and a thin coil of barbed water. Suddenly three cannons went off, echoing through the arena. The careers were on the move. Finnick had to find Claudia and fast. Not purposefully, Finnick began to move towards the fimiliar smell of salt water, the smell of home, the comfort of district 4, the comfort of her. He assumed Claudia would move in that direction as well, because that was what she was used to. He had survived the bloodbath sure, but now he was alone in an area with no real weapon or water. It was just the beginning.


Authors Note:

Hi! Sorry it's been a bit. Umm I don't love this chapter but whatever. I realized that this story is literally going to take forever. So this may be the last POV of Finnick in his games, or their will be one more. So hopefully this part will be done in like 3 chapters and then we will move on to after Finnicks games. Which will just be so cute with Finnick and Eudoria reunited. Part 3 will be Eudoria's games! Part 4: catching fire or victor life, yada yada yada. It's going to be a long book. But it will be interesting for sure.

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