Part 1: Chapter 9: You are in Love

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     Two weeks, 14 days, 336 hours Finnick had been away from district 4. But in those 2 weeks Finnick accomplished something no one has ever accomplished, he was now the youngest winner of the hunger games ever.

     Watching the games was pure torture for Eudoria. Atlas and Hudson had come over every day to watch with her, just in case... you never know what could happen in those arena walls. It had gone surprisingly well though. The capitol adored Eudoria's promo video, Teddius said that people felt like they had grown up with Finnick. Eurdoira thought this was sick, Finnick was not theirs to mold to their liking, and they had most certainly not "grown up with him", No matter how ignorant and jealous she was of this. She knew the game, make the capitol like you, simple. She gave Finnick a better chance at survival. From the promo video, Finnick got more sponsors gifts like food and water, nothing ground breaking until about 5 days ago when Finnick revived a shiner silver trident.

      I remember when Finnick got the trident, him and Claudia had been moving around the arena to avoid the district 2 tributes which had been put Finnick highest on their kill list. When they evidently found the district 4 pair, Finnick took out the district 2 girl using her own machete and plunging it into her chest. I remember cringing after that, they teach it all the time in the academy. Hit, block, duck, kill. She herself had done it on a dummy many times. But a real person, a breathing human with a beating heart. A girl who most likely had a family maybe even little siblings, who were watching just like she was praying for her to return home. She didn't blame Finnick, no, it was just odd and a little disturbing to see your best friend, the sweetest boy I have ever met, kill someone. While Finnick finished the girl off, the black haired boy from district 2 fought Claudia. She didn't put up much of a fight. No weapon or skill to bear, she just stood their and screamed. In her fear, she accepted her death. Finnick yelled for Claudia shortly but ran off into the forest, he couldn't take the boy here.  In the forest Finnick hid in the trees.

        I could tell he was distraught. Claudia wasn't close to Finnick, it was a tolerable relationship. But Finnick was a protector, he would blame himself for her death. He would blame himself for her parents tears that night. I could see his glossed over eyes pixelated by the old TV. He hummed softly a song to himself. I recognized it immediately. A lullaby sung in district 4, Finnicks mom used to sing it to us when we were little. When it was raining outside or after a reaping day maybe. His soft voice was almost a trance. Nothing else in the world mattered to me except him in that moment.

      After a while, a low beeping noise came from the breeze. The television showed him opening a slim grey case to reveal a shiney silver trident. Finnick opened his eyes wide at the weapon and tossed it back in his hands a few times. He had never touched one this nice. Inside the case was a small white note.

         thank your girlfriend back home for the tip. You can win.

- J & M

   Eudoria, he thought. She saved his ass again. His eyes grew hard, revenge and determination filed though his veins. Every capitol citizen watching on television knew, this was about to get good.


          Eudoria had hardly been able to sleep a wink last night. Usually this would occur from dismissing fear but today it was pure and unrelenting joy. Finnick was alive, he was breathing, coming home. Eudoria couldn't wait to see his face, to be in his arms. She quickly arose from her bed. Outside her window she could see townspeople hanging banners from lampposts and picking flowers for people to give to the districts  newest victor. Eudoria wanted to look nice for him, which was something she had never wanted before. It felt odd almost. She threw on a little white summer dress. It had a little scoop neckline and was beaded with pearls.  She threw on some of her sandals that she wore everyday in the spring. The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny, the flowers were blooming, the grass was green. Mother Nature herself welcomed the newest victor.

    " You look nice." Atlas said picking her up from her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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