Part 1: Chapter 8: Interview

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The games had been going on for two days now, Eudoria watched every second of it. She hated watching it actually, she was stressed out of her mind the entire time. She couldn't imagine how Finnick was feeling right now. God, she missed him. She missed their talks everyday, she missed the way he would pay with her golden brown hair when he was bored.

         Her father and Finnicks father were friends way back when Eudoria and Finnick were born. They would always joke around that the two would get married, fall in love. However they didn't actually become great friends until they were a bit older in the academy. Plus, their relationship was strictly platonic. Well I guess it was loosely platonic.

The games had been pretty exciting by capitol standards, the careers had dominated the competition but the girl from 7 had taken out the boy from 1 breaking the career pack alliance. There was 10 people left by day 3, Claudia and Finnick had found each other and decided to hide out until only a couple tributes remained. Eudoria was relived that Finnick was safe at least for now, yet, she knew that the end would be the worst.

While watching the games early in the morning on the 3rd day she heard a loud knock on her door. Not expecting anyone she slowly cracked it open. On the other side of the door was a tall man with peach colored hair and big circle glasses, he wore a purple suit that shimmered when he moved side to side. Beside him were two skinny young women, their faces painted white. One had stark white hair, the other hot pink. Capitol people, Eudoria thought. There was no way these people were from district 4.

   " Can I help you." Eudoria said opening the door slightly.

" Oh hello! My name is Teddius Monarch, and these are my assistants, Beatricee and Gianina. We are here to film a promo video for Panem." He speaks calmly. What? Why would they want a promo video of her, she was just a girl from district 4, only victors are important to the capitol and can attract their attention like so.

" Why me?" Eudoria asked. Teddius made a tsk sound and looked at his assistants before responding.

" Mrs. Wendell you do realize your best friend, the boy Finnicks popularity in the capitol, don't you?"

" No I'm not very informed on capitols trends at the moment." She said sassily.

" We thought you could film with us and talk about Finnick and your friendship, it would make him more connected to the capitol after all."

" More sponsors?" Eudoria asked

" of course dear." Teddius stated

Eudoria consider his offer for a second, never in a million years had she thought she would be on capitol televison, but she had to do anything she could to save Finnick. She also knew when the capitol wanted somthing they wouldn't really ask, it wasn't a offer but a demand.

" I will film these promos if it will help Finnick." She said glaring at the strange man and his assistants.

" oh goodie!" Teddius said, letting himself in the house. Eudoria stood back in shock as they set us their makeshift makeup station in the middle of the living room.

" ok dear, we are just going to give you a little makeover." Teddius said sitting her down in the seat as the assistant started pulling on
her hair.

" why do I need a makeover?" Eudoria asked

" so you can be more appealing to the capitol." Beatrice said.

" why do I have to be more appealing to the capitol?" She asked snatching the brush out of the assistants hand.

" you said you wanted to help your friend, so please stop asking questions while we get you ready." Teddius says taking the brush back. After what felt like forever they were finally done with her. Her golden brown hair was curled and brought to the front were it framed her face. She wore a little blue dress that went past her shins and was poofy; made of multiple layers of fabric. They said that the dress symbolized her innocence. They said that the capitol wants to connect to the tributes more, a childhood story was perfect for them. They sat Eudoria in front of a little backdrop with two chairs one for the interviewer; Teddius, and the other for her. She still was sour with this whole situation, but she would do anything for Finnick, anything. Finally sitting down in her interviewing seat, Teddius gave her some instructions.

"ok dear, make everything sweet and lighthearted. Remember to sit up straight, no slouching, and always be smiling the capitol people love a happy face." He said as Eudoria gave him a fake smile, " Ready?" Eudoria nodded

" Hello Panem! We have a special guest all the way from district 4. Would you like to introduce yourself miss." Teddius said smiling bright, bringing his grey microphone over to Eudorias mouth. She hadn't thought she would be camera shy, but, evidently she was. The cameras turned to her and she quickly shook off her fears.

" Hi. I'm Eudoria Wendell." she said studderjbg slightly.

" Can you tell us about yourself Eudoria."

" I am Finnick Odairs best friend from back home." She said smiling at the camera.

" Can you tell us, Eudoria, about your favorite things about Finnick."

" Um yes, Finnick and I have known eachother since birth, but we didn't really start becoming friends until we were 6 years old. We play on the beach all the time, we swim together, his mom has us over ever week for dinner, we catch firefly's in the summer, and I would help him and his dad fish some days.

She could tell them how he sat with her when she cried for days after her dad died, but she couldn't say that...

She could tell them how he helped her with Mags when she had panic attacks every once in a while, but no she couldn't say that.

She could tell Panem about the time where Finnick held her for hours because her older friend Betty got reaped at 12 years old and never came back home, but that wouldn't be happy, and it sure wouldn't get Finnick sponsors.

" That is lovely that the two of you have such a great bond and that Finnick is such a gentleman." Teddius said clapping.

" Tell us Eudoria are you proud of your friend for what he has done so far in the Hunger games."

" I'm proud of him for whatever he does." Eudoria stated plainly.

" Isn't that just heartwarming." Teddius said planting a hand over his heart.

" Have you been watching the games? Finnick is playing the safe road, respectfully, do you have any insides on how things might pan out?"

" I am just in the outside as you." Eudoria fake laughed, she felt sick, laughing in this manner. Then she had an idea.

The capitol, they want entertainment. Entice them with something they can't resist.

" You know if you want a real show, give Finnick a trident."

" A trident?" Teddius asks.

" Yes, get him a trident and he will give you the best performance you could ever ask for."


Authors note:

Hey everybody! I'm so happy this book is getting reads. Thank you to everyone who is liking it and commenting.

Next chapter is when Finnick comes back. So stay  tuned for their reunion!!!

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