Part 1: Chapter 5: Just Different

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    I sat on the sandy beach adjacent to Finnicks house. I could hear his mother crying in her candle lit bedroom, his father was trying to console her. The sand was soft and shiny in the moon light. Hearing footsteps behind me I turn around. It was Atlas.

" Hey, how are you feeling." He asked lowing himself next to me.

" You shouldn't be worried about me." She said staring out into the black abiss.

" Look Delia, I talked to Finnick. He is worried about you."

" Can you guys stop worrying about me, I'm fine, Finnick is going into an arena where they fight to the death. The last thing he should care about is me." She said glaring at Atlas.

" You know he can't not care about you, he will always be worried about you." Atlas sighed. Eudoria started at the ground.

" He doesn't want you to watch him die. That was his only request." Atlas sighed.

" Finnick is smart, he knows how to play the capitol, he's charming, they will love him. He is incredibly good with a trident, he said he would try to win Atlas. Why are you saying these things like he's already dead?"

" Eudoria, you can't not realize that he is going into that arena with 23 other people, older, more experienced people." He said, frustrated.

" I'm not ignoring that, I know how the games work. But this is Finnick, your best friend, not some random stranger. Can you shed an ounce of hope." Eudoria said looking at him, her eyes watering.

" He could win. Anyone can, but I don't want you to fall apart if he doesn't." Atlas said squeezing her shoulder.

" he's going to win." Eudoria said under her breath, standing up and heading back towards Victors Village.

The streets were quiet, and dark. The only light came from the singular lamppost that dotted the road every block or so. Shops were closed, house lights were off, the only sound was the harsh waves hitting the pier. Eudoria stoped in front of her house, the lights off inside. Creaking open the door she saw Mags sitting at the table with her head in her hands. At the sound of the door closing, Mags shot up from her seat. Mags saw her crying granddaughter, Eudoria ran into her arms as Mags coaxed her hair.

" He's gone Grandma." She cried


    The next  week were undeniably gloomy. The weather seemed to coencide with the feelings happening throughout district 4. It was rainy most of the time, and if it wasn't raining then dark grey clouds painted the sky. Eudoria spent most of her time sitting at the beach, laying in her bed, she swam a lot even though the water was frigid, she even practiced her knife throwing: it took out a lot of her internal anger. She had barely talked to Hudson and Atlas since reaping day, if she had talked to them it was in passing, or them inviting her somewhere. She didn't want to go anyway. When the victory parade was shown on the television, her and Mags huddled around the reletivly small screen. The images were pixilated and hard to see, but as soon at a copper blonde haired boy rolled around in the chariot she knew it was Finnick.

" Look there he is Mags!" She said scooting closer to the television.

Mags nodded in response, faintly smiling. Finnick was waving at the crowd, blowing kisses at the pink haired ladies in the stands. The big screen even showed him, almost as if it was declaring him a favorite. Finnick was wearing a  blue long skirt, with a gold waist, he was shirtless with blue paint designs covering his chest. He looked so different already, Eudoria thought. As he waved and the capitol women swooned, she couldn't help but feeling a pit in her stomach, she didn't know why. As the horses stopped at the capitols central building the cameras went to President Snow. Eudoria had obviously seen the President before, everywhere, he was quite literally everywhere. But every year he seemed to get older, more sinister looking.

" Do you think he will get sponsors Mags."

Eudoria turned to her grandma who sat on the blue couch. She nodded her head and threw her hands around to signify that he would have many many sponsors. Mags had lost her ability to talk years ago. She suffered a seizure, a couple months after Eudoira's dad died. It didn't affect her all that much, she was quite anyway. She said once, well she write to Eudoria that she was happy in some way happy she couldn't talk because she don't have to go to the capital to train the tributes every year. However, after Montgomery won his games like 7 years ago, Mags didn't have to train tributes anyway.

District 4 had many victors in the past. Mags was the first, winning the 11th hunger games. Others won after her, but ended up dieing, somehow. Like 13 years ago this boy named Jasper Cline won. He was 15 years old when he won. His games took place in a desert arena, he hid until there were only 4 tributes left and then killed them all with a sword and a rope, he used to choke them. Sometimes he walks around town, but only really leaves his house to get food or a drink at the bar. The capitol loves him though, used to spent lots of days in the capitol thought the year. Nobody ever really knew why.

7 years ago a man named Montgomery Taverns won, Eudoria remembered watching his games, they were just plain deadly. Montgomery had made an alliance with all the careers early on in training. They liked his ability with spears and he knew a lot about survival skills. After the games started the careers killed off like half of the tributes. Then that night Montgomery took watch and slit each one of their throats. Montgomery was very friendly after his games, always strolling into town and hiding by the beach. Some say however, that he is a completely different person when it gets dark outside, they say that he sees the careers every night in his dreams.

Eudoria hoped with every fiber of her body that Finnick would win and come back to her, but a thought remained in her head. If Finnick were to return would he ever be the same? Would he be haunted every night by the people he may kill? Will he lock himself in his house and drown in alcohol.

Would it be Finnick or a capitol pawn?


Authors note:

Heyyyyy! If you are liking the book so far, please star it, or comment. If you have any suggestions of what you want the book to look like let me know. I'm trying to write a chapter every other day.

And if you want to know what the past victors look like their pictures are on the cast page.
If you can't tell I love romance and action movies because all the characters are from those movies like Maze Runner, Pearl Harbor, the Hunger Games obviously.

Anywayyy, have a good day!

Also does anyone want Finnicks pov during his games. Or maybe an Axel, Hudson, Mags POV moment?
Words: 1217

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