Safe future

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Barbie's POV
It was Friday, Barbie was lying down alone thinking about her future. She was almost about to cry because she thought "I can't be always dancing as backup singer, I want to be the main lead like Jacinada I want people should dance at the back of me."
Next scene
NewYork Studio
Nobody's POV

Ken was with barbie for their 19th birthday. He took some days holiday from his school. He was watching her dance and singing and was adoring her.
After 1hr of practice Ken,Barbie and Brooklyn decided to go to Coffee shop for a little break. Barbie said "Ken I still can't believe you are here." Ken chuckled and said " How can I celebrate my birthday without you I have to come here." They three were laughing and talking they were enjoying each other's company. But then Brooklyn started talking about Barbies " I can't believe last year Jacinda took us to world tour as BACKUP SINGERS and this year we are again going for her new ALBUM." She was so excited but Barbie just forced smiled after hearing backup singers Barbie became a little upset. Ken noticed the change in her behaviour and decided to talk about it to her later.
Next Scene
Ken's Hotel Room
Nobody's POV

Barbie came to visit Ken in her hotel as she wanted to spend some time alone with him. They chatted for a bit about how was school going and about the ball that will be conducted this year. Ken was not going to ball.(BECAUSE U KNOW).Then Ken started talking how The Barbies were going on intentionally because he wanted to know what is going on her mind he asked "So, how barbies are going. Everything is fine?" She just wanted tell him that she can't take this anymore. She just wanted have her name in one of the biggest singers like Olivia Rodrigo(Olivia is 19 and she is SO FAMOUS that's why she thought of her) she thought, But she was scared that Ken will think she is so Impatient and just want fame. Ken noticed her behaviour change again and said "SPILL IT, I know u since we were 8."
"What's bothering u, Whenever we talk about The Barbies you just become sad and try to change the topic even in the studio I noticed that u were NOT enjoying as you used to. What happened??" After hearing that Barbie was not able to say anything and she started crying she said " Ken *sniffling* I can't.....I can't take this anymore........want more...." Ken couldn't understand what she was trying to say but first decided to calm her down by hugging her. After she stopped crying Ken said "Ok now tell me everything." Barbie told him everything what she wanted and asked for advice. Ken said "So, you mean you don't want to work as backup singer for Jacinda anymore??" Barbie answered "Yes.."
Silence fell in the room.
Barbie said " Well I don't want to work as Backup singer for anyone, I want barbies to disband and want to work in a company in which I don't have to work as babysitting for paying money for studio." "I know everyone struggles at first but it's almost more than a year since we debuted and from
then I can't see any growth." Silence fell again...
Barbie continued "I have stayed without mom dad my sisters and my friends and without YOU for such a long time. I can't. This is not what I want... I have sacrificed sooo manyyy things. I have to do this. I have to tell Brooklyn." " Will you support me." Barbie asked. And you know what he will say "Always" Barbie became so happy that by mistake she said "I love you Ken"
Ohhhhhshitttt!!!! What the heck I have said just right now.....

Ok so yeah I am leaving the story here. So many people will be like omg.. u made barbie so selfish why do she want to leave barbie. Guyzz everyone wants their future and their good job she wanted the same that's why thinking about future she want to leave The Barbies.
Hope u understand.
Please don't mind anything wrong or grammar mistakes I am new writer

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