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Ken's POV

"Ken When are you proposing me?"

When she said my whole body started shaking. I was so scared even thought I said I will be always there for her....That I was always. But I was scared to give this news to Barbie's Parents, my parents. I felt like crying but I have to stay strong for Barbie and the baby.

"Are...are you pregnant? Are you pregnant Barbie?"
I repeated the same question twice.

She started crying
That gave me my answer

"Barbara we gonna go through this phase together. I will do anything for you and for the baby. I will give you the life you deserve barbie...Honey don't cry."

I tried my best to console her.

"It's fine Malibu. It is going to be just fine. Believe me." Brooklyn said hugging her tight.

"You won—nt understand...nd my my family would never except this....please do anything..." Barbie started crying even more.

"They will except this honey. Everything is gonna be just fine. Believe me please."

After an hour of crying and sobbing barbie finally excepted the truth.

"So we should visit the hospital once right." Barbie asked.

"Yeah..sure we should."

The whole ride to the hospital was silent.

It was time for her ultrasound.

Seeing the baby inside her womb made me emotional. I was ready to be a dad.

We decided to go to Malibu for our birthday.
Brooklyn  and Rafa also came along.

It was 8march the day before Barbie's birthday. We both barbie and me decided to break this news to our parents.

I was shaking the whole time.

" we have something to tell you."Barbie began

"I and Barbie...We both uhh...." I was not able to find right words

"Ummm...Barbie and I got drunk one night."

"What?? You are not even 21 yet. It's illegal." Skipper  said.

Everyone was in shock but I saw Mr.Roberts. Didn't even said anything.

"Whose idea was it?" Mr. Roberts asked looking at me. I was scared to death.

"It was my idea dad."

"I can't believe it barbie how could you do this?" Mrs.Roberts scolded barbie and gave her a huge lecture.

"Uhh...this is not one thing there is something more." I continued before my mom could say something to me.

"There is more." Asked Chelsea

"Uhh.yah. There is "


"We got so drunk that we didn't even realise what we are doing and we ended up having sex That night.
I am soooooooo sorry mom,dad, Mr and Mrs Carson. And it wasn't Ken's fault it was my fault because as much I remember I was the one begin this."
Barbie said this all at one breath.

Everyone's mouth was open wide.

"What? you did whatttt?" My mom shouted.

Everyone started yelling at Barbie. As she took the whole blame at herself.

"Guyzzz...guys it's not her fault. It is our fault. I could have stopped her and I was more drunk then her. I am sorry very sorry."

Silence fell in the room.

" the way why did you tell this whole thing you could have keep it a secret. No one tell it to their families about it? It there something more?" Stacie asked.

She is getting smarter and smarter every day.

"Yeah..that's a point to think." Skipper said

"Uhhh...because that same day I decided to take a pregnancy test..and it came positive." Barbie said

Tears were rolling in her eyes.

"We even visited the doctor and figured out that she was pregnant." I said

"What the heck"
What did you say"
"You ruined life"
"No this is not true"
"This is prank"

" is not. It was an accident."

"We are  sorry."

"Barbie and Ken you have so many dreams. You have ruined your life." Chelsea said

" we didn't. We are capable of anything. And I don't care what everyone is going to think. It was a total accident and we can still achieve more. I will do anything to keep Barbie happy. Anything!!!"

I yelled at everyone I was tired of hearing the same thing from everyone again and again.

" I would do anything." I repeated

"We can't do anything now. Can we" Mrs Roberts said.

"This is the reality and we are with you. You need any help we will be here." Mr. Roberts

I did not expect this

" So how about if we celebrate." Mom and dad said

"What? You are not mad"

"We are. But we can't change anything."
Mr. Roberts said

His answer was disappointing

"But I am happy to be a grandpa" Mr.Roberts said

Is this a dream. What? I thought. I thought we will be kicked out of our house. It was totally opposite they were


Barbie looked happy that's what all Matters.

Later that night

"Soo you have decided any names yet?" Barbie asked

"Yeah.." I replied

"What already."

"Yep. I want the name of the baby be unique. Not any name."

"Ok.. Well Mr Carson what is the name?"

" If it is a girl the name should be Aurelia which means "the golden one".  And if it's a boy the name will be Waylon which means "land by the road"."

"Omg.... I love the name so much Kenn.."

"You do" I asked

Barbie nodded.

"What do you want in gender?" Barbie asked

"Uhh.. anything the main thing that the  baby should be healthy."

"Awwee.. yah I will eat so much healthy that the baby will definitely be healthy."

We shared a good laugh. Then Barbie leaned for deep kiss. The rest night  was very fun. As it was Barbie's 19th birthday.


Hey guys

Hope you liked the chapter. Any recommendations please text.

Till the time
Stay healthy and stay safe
Bye for now

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