Pure Exhaustion Pure Joy

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Author's note: So I have decided the Ari short for Aurelia. I am gonna use this name in this chapter so don't be confused.


Barbie and Ken came back to their apartment with their cute little nugget after staying in hospital 2nights.

They just reached at the main door apartment when barbie panicked and asked

"Ken where is AURELIA" she is said because she didn't find her in his hands. Instead she saw he was carrying an water bottle in his hands that he was holding like a sleeping baby which was covered with Aurelia's blanket

"I am literally holding her." He was half sleeping.

"Kenneth Sean Carson you are carrying a water bottle." She said yelling at him.

Ken looked at his hands. "Where is SHE??" He said looking at Barbie with wide eyes.

"How could I know why the heck you are asking me."She said scolding him.

"I probably left her in car." Then he ran towards his Car.

Barbie followed him.

They both reached the car running. They saw inside car through the window, and saw Ari sleeping peacefully in the baby car seat.

Barbie quickly opened the door and picked up her baby. "Awwee..baby. Thank god." She said to sleeping baby in her hands.

"Give to me I will hold her. Doctors said not give you any heavy stuff to pick up for a while." Ken said to her with a smile.

Barbie gave death glare to him. She was definitely angry with him for being so careless.

"Ohh..Shut up." She said and went towards their building.

"Look I am sorry." Ken said running behind her and following her.

They Finally reached at their apartment this time with a Baby.

Barbie turned back to Ken and said "Promise me you will be careful next time." She knew he was really exhausted and forgave him.

"Ohh.. come on babe that was a mistake. I promise I will be more careful Miss Roberts or should I say Mrs. Carson." He said

It made Barbie chuckled at gave the baby to his hands.

Then she opened the lock in the door.

The house was half empty they both have to complete packing of the stuff in a week because they gonna shift to Malibu for some time until they shift to Korea.

After settling Ari to their bed. They both went to sleep as well next to her keeping her in the middle.

They didn't have a good sleep in a while. First because of Barbie sickness she had high fever most of the time before Aurelia was born. Second in these two days they weren't able at all because every a hour or two Aurelia used to wake up.

They both just slept but within 5min Ari woke up and starts to cry again.

They both were really exhausted but their was still a joy inside their hearts because they knew this was phase they will always remember and miss even when Ari will be grown up.

Barbie fed Ari her milk and Aurelia finally slept again now they had an opportunity they went to back again.

Their hearts were always filled with joy just by seeing her face.

Shifting to Malibu

It was a five hour flight from Manhattan to Los Angles and 30min drive to Malibu from airport.

They were really nervous they don't know how they will keep Aurelia calm in the whole flight.

"Ari be a good girl don't cry in the plane because you don't want flight attendants to throw mama and dada out of the plane."
Ken said to her daughter. She just curiously looked at his face. Ken smiled and gave her a peck in her forehead.

They went to airport it was Ari's first time travelling in a airplane so they took a lot of her pictures and videos.

Before boarding Barbie and Ken tried so hard that she can sleep but Aurelia didn't sleep.

"Ohh baby...Sleep now" Ken said looking at her face.
But she just smiled at him.

"Ken if she didn't sleep right now she will be cranky whole flight." Barbie said to Ken she was a bit irritated and worried at same point.

"I know babe but what should we do now. She is just not sleeping. Boarding will start any mi-" he couldn't even his sentence but their was an announcement.

"Flight To Los Angles has started boarding. Request all the passengers to start boarding."

"Uhh..what should we do now hun?" Barbie asked
"We can't do anything now. Let's just go." Ken answered.

They booked first class because they want to be more comfortable. They sat in their seats but something magical happened and Aurelia became sleepy.

Finally she slept before the flight started they settled in the crib that was given to them she finally slept.

They three slept in the whole flight.

They finally reached to LA. Aurelia was still sleeping in peace. They were really happy about it

After 30min drive to home they finally reached their home.

Barbie and Ken decided to stay in Carson's villa for these few months.

Everyone their parents, sisters and pets were waiting for them inside the house

"Hi guys!! We don't want to talk to you two give us your pumpkin." Skipper said excitedly

After meet and greets they went t Ken's old room. Edna and Kenneth Sr. has decorated the room for three of them and got so many toys for their granddaughter.

Now next step in their lives was marriage and shifting to another country.

This was the chapter hope you enjoyed


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