Delivery of a special guest

38 3 24

2nd December

Barbie had C-section delivery

Kenneth was freaking out all the time waiting outside the operation theatre.

But then a noise of a baby came to his ears from inside the operating area.

After few minutes a nurse came out with a baby wrapped in her hands.

"Congratulations you have become dad." She said handling the baby to Ken.

"The baby and the mom are both healthy and fine."She said.

A tear fell from his eyes. He was just to grateful and happy. He kissed her forehead

He sniffled and asked the nurse about Barbie. Nurse smiled and replied. "She is unconscious right not but there is nothing to worry about she will wake up in few minutes or hours."

"It will take some time for her to recover from the surgery she had. We are gonna shift her to her own room you can go in right now if you want."

He was about to go in but he heard a noise behind his back he heard a noise from behind, his family and his fiancé's family were coming running towards him.

They had to take a long flight to Manhattan from Malibu but the tiredness was not reflected to their face. One by one everyone took the baby to their hands complementing her for her looks.

They went inside afterwards.When Ken and others went inside Barbie already came to her consciousness. She was lying in the bed tho. She was waiting for everyone to come in.

She looked so tired from the surgery but their was still a bright smile in her.

Ken went to her bed side give a peck in her forehead and handed baby safely to her hands "Here you go.."

"Oh my god, Hi!" She said when she looked at her face.

She couldn't help but shed some tears.
Everyone took pictures of the new family

They were debating for her name but finally decided to name her 'Aurelia Roberts Carson'. That Ken suggested. They decided not to give her any middle name.

When she opened her she had eyes just like her dad she had see green eyes and had face just like her mom but her hair was just different from both of them she had honey blond hair just like her grandma(Ken's mom).

They both were just so happy. They were grateful to god. She was their sunshine their lifeline their everything.

After a 2days spending at hospital they went back home with a special guest.

This was their best hospital visit so far.

Hi I was just too free whole day that decided to write this chapter it took just 30min or less then that but this was best chapter I have written so far.

It was short tho.

Hope you guys liked it as much as I did.

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