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Barbie's Pov

"Ok Barbie like you said I have bought pregnancy test kit not one I have got 4 JUST IN CASE. I have also grab your comfy clothes with your underwear from home. I will be their in 10 to 15 minutes." Said Brooklyn.

The phone was in speaker so Ken  also heard what Brooklyn said and obviously I became a little embarrassed when she used the underwear. I mean it's normal buttt....whatever let's continue

"Ok Brooklyn. Thanks. We will be waiting."
Brooklyn was worried.

She was not the only one.

I was so scared, nervous. There were so many thoughts running in my mind. And the worst thing I got Ken into this mess. I know I mentioned that I don't remember anything that happened in the night but I remember what Ken told me about his SECRET SPY LIFE
I remember that I was the one to begin something I am regretting now after I kissed him well everything was blank to me I don't remember anything afterwards this time I promise.

" I am so sorry Ken. I....I know what you are going through so much but but...." I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. I started crying.

He tried to console me.

"I am sorry too.....I really I am. I actually remember what happened till the time you know you grabbed to shower but..everything afterwards happened I don't remember." He said while hugging me.

"I am sorry Ken.....I....You told me about what happened in Kashmir if you remember. After that this. I am WoRSt..*more crying*I am worst"
I said crying.

"You....You do?"he asked

"Yah...but I promise I won't tell anyone please you can believe me."

"Uhh..ok I do."

After I calmed down.

He said those three magical words that I didn't expect after what all happened.
"I love you barbie" He said
My eyes were wide open.

"I do seriously.I do
And if there is a baby in your stomach or womb whatever you say it. I am ready...I am ready to be father. I will take care of child."

"If...if my parents will find out that I am pregnant they will...will ask me to get married. My whole life will be ruined."

"If that's the problem I will marry you. I will travel any place you want in this whole world for your work. I will go with you but I won't let your life be ruined. I won't let your currier be ruined. It was never you it was us. You are not the one who will take the blame it is not your fault it is our FAULT." Ken said. I know he will do the same he will never leave me behind.

" you too.. thank you." I hugged him tight he kissed my hair. "So is it official." I asked him. " is." He said with most bright smile in his face. This was first time in months I saw him with that huge smile.

*Ding Dong*

I opened the door
Are you alright?
Where is Ken?
Did he leave you?
No he can't. Did he?

It was Brooklyn she was worried. Well, what she imagined came true if you remember when she told me that "It will be fine if you don't come home in the night."

"Yah he is here. He didn't leave me. In fact he is my boyfriend now and it is official." I said smiling.
Trying my best to calm her down

"I don't care at this point first wear these clothes and check if you are pregnant. These are your clothes *she handed me a tote bag.* These are the pregnancy kit.

"Come on go now."


I came outside with my clothes changed.

"So what it is. Are you pregnant." They both asked together same words same line. I giggled


"Ohh holy cow..thank god." Brooklyn signed

Ken smiled at me

"Guys I have not checked yet. You didn't let me finish."I said

"What the Fudge barbie. Are you mad." Brooklyn yelled at me.

"What the heck are you waiting for." She yelled again

"Ok! Ok!" I went back to the bathroom to actually check this time.

I know most of you will be worried if you would me at my place. I was the same at first but after Ken words and his support I was not nervous. I was fine actually.

Weird why I am not nervous?

"What....." I checked at the pregnancy test.

I came out
"Ken...when are you proposing me?"

I know it's short but who cares lol

This chapter ends here if you understand congratulations you are genius and if you didn't
yah barbie is pregnant.

Well, I asked miya for suggestion of making barbie pregnant or not.
She said yes. So, yeah


Ok guys don't kill me I told you before and I am telling you now again I like to mess with characters and there personality

Btw,you can check out miyasway
She write amazing stories.

I am also changing the name from barbie to karbie. Title ofthis story. Because why not?

And I actually should also get a Nobel price and world record to be the first in barbie history in wattpad to make barbie pregnant in her teen years I mean she is 18.

If I am not wrong I am first right?

Ok too much for today

Till the time stay safe
Stay healthy

Bye for NOW.

Karbie in KoreaWhere stories live. Discover now