New Place New Start

28 3 22

First three week of pregnancy went really smooth but from fourth week morning sickness began.

Location:Ken and Barbie's new apartment in Manhattan

Barbie's Pov

Uhhh...I feel like dying. "Ken!! Honey" she yelled to call Ken. He was in his office (that was in their apartment only) He was studying biology.

"Yup babe. What's up? You feeling alright?" He enters the room and asks.

"Nooo!! I feel like throwing up. I feel soooo dizzy"

"Awwee honey. You will be fine. Want something?"
He asked hugging me.

"No ken I can't even smell food. Every time I only think of food I feel like throwing up. But I can drink something."

"I can make u smoothie if you want?" He asked

"Yah..I am craving of BANANA SMOOTHIE.." I gave a teasing smile.

"Out of all the fruits BARBARA you want to drink BANANAS SMOOTHIE are you serious.. I can't even look at bananas I will throw up if I see it."

I started laughing really loudly
"Kenn...haha..You at soo funny..haha"

Ken's Pov

I knew she was having severe mood swings sometimes she laughs but if someone don't laugh at her joke and start's crying thinking she is lame.

I fake chuckled as it was not funny

"Har har.. babe you are soo funny no one can crack better jokes then you do."

" I know right.. I can definitely be stand up comedian."

Barbie and Brooklyn talked about things and decided to disband Barbies as Barbie is pregnant and she also don't want to continue as group and want to go solo and Brooklyn was fine with it.

But now Barbie is very stressed as can't think what to do with her carrier but she is thinking as soon as the baby will be born she will start her own company and start writing songs.

Ring Ring..

My phone rang it was from the spy agency the head Zoe was calling "Good afternoon Agent Carson. You have mission."

I went out of the room and said nearly shouting at Zoe

"Zoe!!! I told you not to call me again after the incident. I am not going to do any of your missions I am a failure. I told you I am done."

"Ken I know whatever happened was wrong back then it took sometime for me to heal for me from that incident but it was totally not your fault it was accident and world needs you Ken. You are hearing me World needs you."

"I don't think so I will be able to do it. I am dumb ass I couldn't help the children in the bus how can I can I save the world." My voice nearly break.

"Ken I know you can do it just believe on yourself. You are the smartest,kindest and amazing spy ever. I know you can do this just hear me once."

"Before you tell me anything Zoe my girlfriend Barbie is pregnant Uhh...some stuff happened and I am having a baby. I can't leave her all by herself."

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