Mistake's happen

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This is going to be a short story.
Barbie's POV

Why did I asked Ken to drink wine. Why did I drink one??
Wait what if I am pregnant?
Ahhh...my arm hurts.
Wait I just had sex with my crush that's awesome..Barbie are u stupid  he will be mad at me.
What if he will break our friendship.
These thoughts were running in my head

I have to wake him up. Wait barbie first I should wear clothes . I can't just wake him up and with no clothes on.

I went inside the bathroom saw the shower was still running. My dress was wet Ken's outfit was wet as well.

What should I wear now. I should wear a robe.
First I should call Ken on his phone ask him to wear clothes and then I will go out from bathroom and talk to him about the sh*t we did last night.

I called at Ken's phone
"Hello, who is this?" He asked sleepily
"It's me Barbie." I said.
He was now fully awake after hearing my voice.Then he looked at himself weirdly.
"Uhh...well when did u went home last night? I don't remember." He asked while finding his boxers.
"I never went home. I am still at ur hotel ROOM."

I was so scared because I don't think he remembers what happened last night as-well.
"Wait what the F**k! Are u saying." I was about to explain but he opened the bathroom door where I was hiding.

He was wearing a t shirt and shorts.

"Ok Barbara I have so many questions to ask."

I explained him how I woke up in the morning and because we drunk we did something we didn't mean to.

There was 5min silence.

"I told u barbie. We should not drink alcohol." Ken said angrily. If he would be at my place I would have be angry. It was my mistake.

"Ken do u like had condoms or something?." I asked embarrassed.

"No! How will I have one I have never been in a relationship in my whole entire LIFE and no one have sex in their first night. I don't know about others but I wouldn't have."

I started crying.

"I don't blame u for all of this happened barbie. It's my fault as well." He said hugging me.

We were hugging each other for my 5minutes.

I was not able to find how to end this chapter perfectly.

New chapter is coming today
Till then

Karbie in KoreaWhere stories live. Discover now