All about our new home and work

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Barbie's POV
It's been 8 months of pregnancy. I am feeling very sick these days. The baby will be coming home early December.

We have started packing stuff as well. We are going to get married this February after the baby will be born and we are shifting to after our birthdays to Korea.

Everything is going really fast these 8 months passed really quickly for both of us and us shifting to South Korea leaving our homes soon is the hardest part but I think this is our destination because our dream is going to be true. Our baby girl will be home and Me and Kenneth are going to spend our lives together forever is amazing.

Ken used to talk about being a dad when we both were kids always. He always wanted to be dad and I always wanted to be a mom and I am very excited being mom of my little one.

All the pain and sickness feels worth it whenever I used to imagine holding my baby and playing with my little one made me feel so happy.

I was thinking these stuff but then Ken enters the room. Carrying a plate full of food (HEALTHY FOOD). It was for me.

"Hey babe, here is your food. This is Broccoli, Berries, Whole grains, Avocados and Dried fruit."

"Awwee.. Thank you so much baby. But isn't it too much."

"Is it?"

I chuckled. "Ken..."


"I have no idea what I have deserved to have a to have the most caring, most handsome, kindest, clumsy, strong, cute and romantic little boyfriend in the world."

This made him blush it was clearly visible in his face. He chuckled and said "What do you mean by little boyfriend."

I chuckled "You could have said Thank you."

He laughed and kissed my lips deeply. "Your class will start in 2hour we have enough time to have fun if you want." He said in between kissing

He was talking about our Korean learning class.

I move away from his face.

"We had enough FUN last night didn't we."

"Ohhh come on babe."

"I am feeling a little uneasy Ken. And aren't you suppose go for grocery shopping."

"Yes I WAS. But we have enough stuff for home."

"I am thinking to have a nap wake me up afterwards. Let me eat my food first."


Ken's POV

An hour has been passed. I have an amazing news for barbie but first I have to wake barbie up.

I went to our bedroom she spend her most time in the bedroom nowadays .

"Honey wake up! Your class will start in some time." I said

"Mhmm.. Ken~ken" she repeated my name twice


"Ken can I class...todayy?" She said sleepily

"Babe tomorrow will be our last class then you and I will be perfect in the language. And I have something else to tell you."

She stood up from bed to go to bathroom to wash her face I followed her.


"Soo, Zoe called me yesterday and she said that.."

"What happened? Is everything fine."

"Yeah. She has talked to hybe entertainment and you are going to be debuting soon after being a trainee for a year but there will be a 6 month break for you before starting for your recovery. Is it fine hun?"

"What are you serious that is AMAZING!!!!"

"And there is something more"

I took out the property papers of our new apartment and our new aquarium.

"What is this?"

"These are the property papers of our new home and aquarium. Our aquarium used to be have another owner before, It is very famous aquarium. The name of the aquarium COEX Aquarium."

"What seriously?? OMG"

"It has more than 40,000+ animals and has 650 species."

Her mouth was wide open all the time.

"Ken!! If you will say something more I am going to get a heart attack."

I chuckled "Our lives will be perfect!!"

"It will be! How big our home will be. Will it have a nursery for the baby."

"It will be 2636 square feet."

"Whatttt??? This will be so expensive how much does it cost?"

"5 billion Korean won that is 3.79million dollars. It is    5room apartment with a big modular kitchen, a big living area, a home theatre, a pool that will be in our own terrace, 2 offices, a music and recording room for you that I arranged and a play room for our nugget." I smiled at her

"How did they buy such a big apartment and a aquarium KENNETH."

"They didn't I will"

"Wait HOW?"

I explained "See, They bought an aquarium for me. But not so much money was left with them that they buy me an apartment " She nodded.

"So being owner of the aquarium in a week or so I will be able to buy the apartment because I will have more than  enough money. It is in loan right now probably I might buy a new car as well."

"I am.. uhh...what. This is a dream Ken."

"I know Honey."

"I am thinking to start shopping for the marriage for now."I said

"Ok can we go tomorrow."

"Yes sure, it's time for our class."


I know this chapter wasn't great it was all about house and stuff. But I was trying to tell what will be the lifestyle of both of them from this chapter hope you understand


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