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Warning this chapter has foul language use of alcohol and contains a little about sex but not in detail just it mentions
Please read it at your risk. Haha just kidding but yah this chapter contains this stuff *******************************
Barbie's Pov

I am ready to go. Let me check if I have everyone I need.....

5 minutes later

I have everything I need, I am ready to go. Ken will be here in few minutes. Brooklyn enters the room "Hey It's fine if u don't come whole night. It will be fine I understand" she said teasingly

" What do u mean If I didn't come whole night, what u will understand? " I actually did not understood what she was trying to say. " Like u know if u like... u know want to spend whole night with someone in their bedroom." Omg.. I did not expect this she will say It was rude even if she is trying to tease but this was to MUCH. I got really upset.

I was about to say something but someone came to living room .
It was Ken. My jaw dropped when I saw him he was wearing

He was wearing a leopard design shirt it's button was opened he was wearing white t shirt from inside and black jeans

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He was wearing a leopard design shirt it's button was opened he was wearing white t shirt from inside and black jeans.
He was looking so Handsome
He was looking cute
He was looking soooooooooooooo HOT

I was just starting at him...

"He looks so hot. I am going to have crush on him."Brooklyn whispered in my ear. I giggled at her comment completely forgetting what she said before.

"Barbie u look so gorgeous.." Ken said "Aww..thanks you also look so sexxzzzz ( she was about say sexy bruh..) handsome... I mean handsome...."
"Thanks babs"
"Well love birds where are you going??"Brooklyn asked. "My hotel" Ken answered. I was kind of confused but I knew he will not disappoint me.

When I went outside I saw a expensive Mercedes-Benz. I wonder who has parked it outside Brooklyn house.
But then Ken opened the car door for me...

"Get in ur highness" Ken said "Kenneth is it ur car."I asked with my mouth open "Yah it is for some days"
Ken answered
"It must be pretty expensive" I asked "Not for me." Ken said laughing. I was kind suspicious at Ken because he recently bought a car for his parents not just a car he bought a BMW, A life guard or a collage student can't buy this expensive car I knew he was doing some extra work that he hasn't told me till now.

Well we were having to much fun in the car we

🎶 wHen u gOt THoSE FeElings...🎶 Feelings by Barbies. I am a singer but when it's me and Ken singing I am the worst singer in this universe.

🎶 EvEry boDy waNts to RulE thE woRLd...🎶 Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for fears. We wanted to hear some 80s songs.

🎶 Car rides to MaLIBu StRAwbErrY ICeCream one scOop FoR to...🎶 Déjà vu By Olivia Rodrigo. This song is quite relatable to us except we didn't broke up from any relationship or were in any.

We did lame jokes battle
Ken's turn first " The music teacher asked the students what is your favourite instrument. Students the lunch bell" he started dying in laughter... I started laughing as well because he was laughing like a donkey is crying...

" You know Ken I told u about his girl Jessica she is dating her STEP BROTHER..."
"Seriously the girl who picks her nose every time" he asked "Yah the same girl.." I said. Yah I do tell him so many gossip him every night

It was fun..
We reached at Ken's hotel

" Mr. Carson Your room is ready." Said one of the staff members . Not to mention he was living in one of the most expensive hotels in New York. He didn't used to have single penny in his pocket when I was in Malibu but now.

"What are you thinking Barbara?" He asked "Huh...Nothing" Honestly I was getting worried for him. I felt like something is wrong with him by his behaviour. He also was dealing with anger issues a lot. No one dared to say anything wrong to him in his collage one of his college friends told me about it and said to take care of him.

The door of his room opened " Omg Kennnn are u kidding me."

It was so romantic so cozy he really know me

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It was so romantic so cozy he really know me.

We talked so much, we danced the night was awesome.

Then doorbell rang
"Sir your food is ready." Said the servant "Thanks" said Ken

She started serving the food on the table but by mistakenly a little felt in to my dress it was not to much just a little spot

Ken saw it... he became furious
" U dumbass bitch what is wrong with u huh? I will call ur manager." He yelled. " Ken it's just a spot. It is fine." I interrupted in between.

He calmed down when he looked at me. " I am so sorry sir and Mam. Please don't call my manager this won't be repeated." Lady said before I could say something.
" I am really sorry I didn't mean to call u that it's just my first ever date and I wanted it to perfect." He felt sorry he really did but I saw it he was actually dealing with anger issues.

After the lady left he apologised to me as well for his rude behaviour. Obviously I forgave him.
The food was so delicious

"Omg.. I am coming here for every meal now u were eating this food everyday without me." I asked "Bywa I wbus" he said I laughed "heyy first eat then speak" I said then my eye caught the champagne bottle that was kept

"Hey want to drink one." I asked. Ken laughed thinking I was joking "No we aren't even 21 yet."Ken said laughing "Ken no one is here  except us our parents are away we can..just chill" I said "Seriously"
He asked "Yah just one...."

I didn't remember what happened afterwards but I knew we drank to much.

Next day I woke up in bed but I was NAKED and there was someone who kept a Hands on my breasts. It was Ken who was also not wearing any pair of clothes. He was sleeping beside me completely unaware about what happened.My head was spinning

What the fuck I have donneeeee. We were both drunk last night and we had SEX. Obviously we did that's why we are naked. Wait...did Ken had Condoms?
I was about to post this chapter many days back but I didn't because I wasn't well so I was so lazy to complete it here is the chapter
Hope u will like it..
Well Marry Christmas guys
It's my bday as well on Christmas haha..sorry
Marry Christmas 🎄Safe holidays

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