Moving day

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The alarm started to ring

Quickly Kenneth grabbed his phone to stop the alarm. It was big day for three of them. They were going to shift to Seoul City in South Korea.

Everything was packed and ready to go.

 Ken took a quick shower got ready put his dirty clothes inside then he packed Aurelia's diaper bag. Only work that was left for him to do was to wake the sleeping beauty from her slumber.

"Hey Babe..." ken said quietly trying not disturb another beauty who was sleeping in her crib."mmhmm.." Ken kissed Barbie's temple and whispered in her ear "Come on wake up we have to leave it is almost time for our flight we need to leave in 1hr."

After Barbie screamed to give her 2 min more sleep and Ken denying it.

Barbie finally woke up.
"Good Morning babe." Ken said sweetly and gave a peck on barbie lips."Do we really have to leave America. I mean it's life changing for us. But I will miss everyone and Malibu, we have spent our whole childhood here."

"I know it's gonna be hard for us. But if we have each other. It will be just  fine." Barbie smiled and said "I know....I am just scared for the mission you are going on."

"I will be alright I will always be there for both of you." 

"Even if I die" Ken said with a teasing smile.Barbie gave him a slap at his back "KENNETH Hey DON'T say like this" 

"I am sorry....I am sorry." Ken said laughing.

Barbie finally got up from her bed to get ready for the flight.

After 30 min both of them were ready only thing that was left to do was change diapers and clothes of Ari without disturbing her sleep.

It was the most challenging thing to do.But they were successfully able to do it

Finally it was time to leave Malibu. For no idea how long.

Ken, Barbie, Aurelia, Roberts and Carson's Family reached LA international airport.

"Barbie you are sure you have packed everything?" Margret asked her daughter."Yes,Mom I have everything. And I am grown up. Don't take so much tension." Barbie said. 

"Even though you are married and have a daughter u are still 20. And even if you turn 70 years old you still are going to be my little girl."

" I am gonna miss you." "I am gonna miss you too. Take care of yourself and Ken and most importantly my grand daughter."

After 15min the  three finally left to SOUTH KOREA.

Barbie had no idea they were going in their own charted plane.

"OMG Ken...Are we seriously going alone this plane." "I had no idea too...But it is not going to be us, There will be all the other agents who will be in this mission."

"It was not as fun as Barbie thought Ken was busy in the whole 13 hr flight discussing the plans for their mission. But it was not his fault as well he had to work."

13 hrs later

They finally reached Seoul City

It was amazing.The city looked so cool.

They finally reached their apartment.It was more amazing they imagined.

"This is so amazing Kenneth."

"I know."


Okay so they finally have reached.

You will see some mild violence in coming chapters.

But trust me it's gonna be FUN. And yeah it took to much time cuz my phone actually broke again. It is still not repaired yet so don't expect any chapters early
Hope you liked it.



And btw you lost the bet @loveteamkarbie. I wrote the chapter first and uploaded it first too.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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