What actually happened last night

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This story will tell what happened the night Ken and Barbie were together.
Ken's Pov

Barbie has drink 5 champagne glasses. She will regret it in the morning.

"Kennnnnnnnnn!!"Barbie said
"Uhh..yes babs what happened." I asked
while drinking my drink. It was my third glass. I have already started feeling dizzy.

"You like me right?" Barbie asked me laughing.
"Wait what? No.. I mean yes. I don't.. I do." How do she know I like her whatever I will try to change topic."

"Ken... don't uuuu dareddd too chAnGe theeee topic." She said giggling to herself.
She can definitely read my mind.

She stood up . Walked towards me lean down grabbed my face and started giving me kisses in my face. Except my lips.

She sat beside me. I was speechless. I was just staring at her thinking what just happened.

She looked at me and started laughing at me.
"Hahahahahahahahh.......kennn! Ken! My lipstick mY lipstick." I did not understand what she was saying.

I took out my phone and looked at my face in the camera there were her lipstick marks in my face.
I started laughing as well

I stood up to wash my face.
"Ken wait... where are u going." Barbara asked me
"Bathroom to wash my face" I replied

She sat up straighter and said "Ken.. I know I am drunk and not thinking straight....but I still care for you. Sit down I have to ask u something important."
This gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"Do u want to tell me something? I know their is something wrong with you." She asked

I took a beer bottle that was kept in table and opened the lid and drank the whole bottle in one go.

"Barbara I never want to hide anything from you but.."
"But what Ken?"
"I am the worst human being in this whole universe... I should diee... I should die. I don't deserve to live." I started sobbing.

She hugged me to comfort me.
After I calmed down.
" I am not suppose to tell it to anyone but You will probably forget it."

" I am.... am a spy barbie but I don't deserve to be one." Her eyes became wide open when I told her I am a spy. She was speechless.

I started telling her about what happened.
6months back
Ken's Pov

A school bus was hijacked full of 45 school students.
Agent Carson and Agent Watson (Emily Watson) are send in a mission to save the children.

"Agent Carson can u here me" asked Emily " Yes I can hear you." I replied.

"Is school bus alright?"

"I don't know. I can hear some screams of children from the bus. I have no idea about what is happening." I replied to red hair girl.

"We should enter the bus." Emily said
"Are you mad? We can't it's risky. To us and the children as well."

"Ken someone has to enter the bus there is bomb that is set up inside or all the children will DIE."

" I will get inside the bus and try to fight against them and till the time you defuse the bomb. You are expert at it."

"Roger." I replied to order in the end she was my boss.

Emily entered the bus
" There are no terrorist in the bus but the children are tied. I am having a very bad feeling. Carson start working."

Till the time I can begin with my work there was a gunshot in the bus. Emily died on the spot.

Children started screaming I lost her. But I have still have to work or they bomb will blast.
But till the time I can start again
There was a huge bomb blast

All 45 children plus Emily died.
I could not save anyone.

" I just can't even the defuse the bomb and and...." I started crying again.

"Ken it was not fault." Barbie said comforting me.

"From then I am always angry at myself and take out my anger on others. I tried to commit suicide several times but it is very hard to kill yourself."

"Ken don't you dare. If you try to do something like that I will kill myself as well." Barbie was serious but it was kind of funny.

" So you didn't went to Punjab to meet your aunt." Barbie asked


She hugged me so hard. Honestly She was the only reason I was still alive.

" I should wash my face first." I told barbie
"Ok" she replied.

She followed me in the bathroom. She went inside the shower area/room.
"What are you doing Barbie?" I asked her
"I am washing my foot." She replied

"Oh ok. To open the tap you need to.... No barbie that's for shower" but the till time I can tell her she opened the shower. She was all wet her mascara came out.

"Hahaaa.. barbie what the heck. You should have listened me....."
but before I could say anything else she grabbed my shirt and got me inside and gave a deep a kiss in my lips. I was all wet.

I don't remember what happened afterwards but I just remember that it was intimate night for me and Barbie.

Barbie spy fans will kill me but I thought everybody makes barbie the spy but what would be like Ken be one.
Hope you like it

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