Chapter 5.

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Penelope stands waiting for her team to get off the plane. they all greet her & thank her for she is the one who helped them tremendously solve the case with her technical skills.

"Hi angel face" Garcia says to Morgan as soon as he walks down the stairs off the plane

"Mmm hey baby girl" he says in a low sexy tone as he was pleased to see her.

"I mis...." they both went to say at the same time then had that awkward smile at each other before Derek settled it by pulling her into a hug resting her face on his muscular chest.
"I miss you too"

those words sent electrical shocks through Garcias body. she loved hearing Derek's voice no matter what he was saying. He walked them inside so he could put down his stuff at his desk.

"so love, where to? bar, movies, your house" she asked with a giggly smile

he rested both of his hands on the head of his chair and leaned in while thinking

"hm, I guess my place will be fine. movie and a pizza" he said with a smile as he licked his lips

she smiled back at him "perfect"

she was about to walk out of his room when JJ met her at the door
"Hi JJ" she said happily

JJ smiled "uh hi Garcia.. can I uh talk to you?" she pointed to her room & looked at Derek. Derek stared back at JJ thinking what is she up to. "Um sure" she told JJ. "let me just grab my things" Garcia walked out of the room. JJ continued to look at Derek who looked semi worried. "oh hold your panties, I'm not ratting you out" she snarled at him as she closed his door.

[Dereks POV]

Derek sat on the edge of his desk sighing as he began to think. He was a confused man. He loved Garcia dearly. everything about her from her corkiness to her mind. she was always there for him whether he wanted it, needed it, or asked for it. she had his back front left and right. she even had a key to his house. (which is big because he doesn't trust well). he had a feeling she was his soul mate but he didn't feel he was good enough for her or deserved her which is why he never took they're relationship further. he was a dog and he knew he wouldn't know how to be the faithful man that he is suppose be to Garcia.

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