Chapter 12

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Derek grabs his phone and sits back on the recliner chair

"Baby girl" he said in a calm groggy voice, as if she had waken him up.

"Hey" she said in almost a whisper
"how's my baby? you and JJ just got in?"
"yeah. we did. about you? did you and Emily make it home ok?" she asked, afraid of his answer

"Good.. glad you made it home baby. too bad it wasn't to my place, but you're home, that's all that matters" he smirked with a little laugh.

Garcia joined in the laugh with him "Next time Hot stuff" she told him still waiting for him to answer the question. "Morgan" she said.

"Yeah. I got her home safely." he said

Garcias eyes began to burn because for the 1st time in history, Derek lied to her. She didn't know what to say or how to feel. Should she blow up on him? She decided to keep calm

"Derek..... I have Prentiss keys." she told him in a strained voice trying to hold her composure

Derek's eyes got wide and he leaned forward. He felt like his whole world just got sweeped up from under him. He was speechless for a moment before carrying on

"You do? .. well that's a relief because Prentiss was worried she had lost them somewhere. Good thing she had a spare key stowed away at her back door" Morgan answered damn near holding his breath hoping Garcia was buying that and believed him.

Garcia felt ashamed. She really just thought Morgan lied to her and was ready to curse him out but Morgan could be telling the truth. It sounded believable to her.

"Oh" was all she could say.
"Yeah" Morgan said small, feeling guilty for lying

"Well goodnight Derek, glad you made it home safely and sorry I ruined our date tonight" she said

"Goodnight baby girl, and it's ok. We have plenty more dates ahead" he smiled in the phone and could feel her smiling too.

they hung up. Morgan laid back and closed his eyes feeling stressed because he just lied to his baby girl. Garcia kicked off her heels and started crying a little bit. JJ then came out to her and seen.

"Omg Garcia what's wrong?" she asked concerned as she sat beside her
"Oh nothing" she said wiping her tears away "Emily thought she lost her keys but had a spare out back so Morgan got her home safely" She said again to convince herself it was the truth although in the back of her mind she knew he was lying. He paused to long.

JJ looked over Garcia and read her body language. She didn't believe anything Garcia said, let alone Derek. she grabbed Garcias hands again and mouthed "I love you" to Garcia who smiled which pushed out a few more tears. Garcia mouthed it back to JJ that she loves her too. JJ went and got Garcia a blanket and pillow so she could sleep. JJ went to her room and got into bed. she picked up her phone and sent Derek a text

"You really did it this time Morgan... Garcia is on to you. And no it's not me. I didn't say a word. I think she knows what's going on between you and Prentiss. You better do something fast."

Morgan revived the text message. He read it and sucked his teeth.

"what she say? he replied
"it's not what she said, it's what she did. she cried!" JJ sent her reply back angry at him. she reached to turn off her light and laid her head on her pillow.

Derek read the last text and felt pain inside. How could he make his baby girl cry like that? How could he lie like that. he couldn't tell her the truth because then Garcia really woulda been on to him. He needed to make this right. He wanted to make this right. but how? He looked in on Prentiss sleeping peacefully in his bed. He was greedy. He enjoyed him and Prentiss sexual relationship. He was in love with it. but what was more important? Sex or Love? this was the burning question in his mind. He cut out the lights and crawled into bed with Prentiss. He laid beside her snuggling up to her to feel her body's warmth. He wasn't ready to let go just yet.

"goodnight princess" he whispered and fell asleep

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