Chapter 17

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I woke up in a hospital bed sharing a room with Tennessee. My head ached my whole body did, I looked down to see my arms covered in bruises. I took out my phone to look at my face, my left eye was bruised badly, there was a cut on the right side of my fore head and I felt this bad pain on my torso, I lifted my shirt my rib cage was black and blue it hurt to breathe. Why did this happen, I'm never going back to that stupid school I hope Tennessee isn't either she's hurt and it's my fault...
I looked over to her she looked in about the same condition I was in. I wonder where Mama and Daddy are she was coming to pick me up but I wonder if she ran late. The doctor came in.
"Hello Grace I'm Dr. Matthews I'm the doctor on tonight's shift. Do you remember what happened?" He questioned. "Um... This kid at school and I got into an altercation in lunch today. So she said she was going to finish it. And after school I walked out after my classes were over for the day, not thinking anything of it and she came over to me through a punch, and I can't remember anything after that" "Well, after you got knocked out she continued to kick and bunch you and your friend over there... Soon after your Mother pulled up and saw you both on the ground unconscious, with two boys surrounding you guys they called 911 and now your here. Would you like your parents to come in?" "Yes please Dr. Matthews" I said in complete agony Mama, Daddy, Uncle Shea who was from the hockey team , Uncle Mark and Aunt Ivey all walked in.
"Grace oh my gosh are you okay how are you feeling can I do anything" Mama said as she walked in "I'm fine I just hurt a little bit" Doctor Matthews walked back in and was explaining what was wrong with me. "Well, Grace you have some cuts and bruises, a severe concussion and five broken ribs."
He said in a concerned tone, great another concussion that's a total of seven, six from John the man I lived with before I found my real family and now this one. The doctor left, Uncle Shea, Uncle Mark and Aunt Ivey all gave me a kiss on the fore head and left which left my parents next to me. They fell asleep in each other's arms. I had to go to the rest room I went pee and went to the sink I was all bruised up and five broken ribs didn't make it easy to breathe, I stared coughing, blood was coming up and I mean a lot of it. I stared to feel really dizzy and lost my balance I fell on the floor "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy... I need help please. I need help..." he came rushing to the bathroom and saw the blood coming out my mouth also on the sink "Carrie get a doctor now, Carrie Grace is coughing up blood get the doctor" she came running with the doctor they got me off the floor got me in the bed they checked my breathing. I heard Dr. Matthews say "This isn't good there is a puncture in her lungs from the broken ribs and blood is getting inside her left lung. We need to get her into surgery right away they started rolling me into the O.R. put a mask over my mouth and I was out.

Mike's POV
I can't believe someone did this to my little girl. I'm never letting her go to that school again, I've talked to Tennessee's parents and they are having her go to another school too, same with Rhett and Beau all of the parents agreed with Carrie and I. Now, I don't even know if Gracie is going to make it through this...

*Time Skip*
The surgeon came out to the waiting room "Mr. and Mrs. Fisher" he called out. We both walked up to him to see if Grace was okay "Well after two hours in surgery we have fixed your daughter's lung she is stable now and in recovery, would you like to come in and sit with her" he questioned "Yes sir and thank you so much God Bless"
He led us back to Grace we walked in and she was still sleeping. Her ribs were wrapped up in gauze and ace bandages but she was okay other wise.
"Hey baby girl" I said as we walked in.
"Hey Daddy hey Mama" she said. She looked like she was in a lot of pain, man what I would do to take it away from her.

Carrie's POV
"Hey sweet girl how are you feeling"
"I'm fine I'm just worried about Tennessee do you know if she's okay"
"Yes sweet heart she's worried about you though"
"I'm just glad she's okay I'm sorry guys I didn't mean for this to happen, and now my friend is hurt because of me, I should've had a stronger fight I'm sorry."
"Baby it's not your fault she had no right to do that to you the four of you are never going there again, so there is nothing to worry about okay."
"Okay mama thank you for being there for me I love you so much."
"I love you too sweet pea you should get some rest do you need anything else before you go to sleep"
"Actually can you sing to me"
"Of corse sweetie"
" 🎶 The nurse came in with a little pink blanket
All those big dreams changed And now he's wrapped around her finger
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that sweet little
Beautiful, wonderful, perfect all-American girl 🎶"
She soon fell asleep in my arms. I slowly got up and put a pillow under her head. Then sat next to Mike who was sitting in the couch next to the bed. "That was beautiful princess" he said while running his fingers through my hair.
"Why thank you cowboy" I said giggling
"Good night princess" he kissed my temple and I fell asleep in his arms.

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