Chapter 8

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Grace's POV
I woke up in the room I picked out yesterday. I guess I fell asleep down stairs and they walked me to my room. My whole Body ached from the other night. I lifted up my shirt and there was a huge bruise across my stomach and rib cage. I looked at it and then I heard sobbing from the door which was cracked open a little. It was Carrie why was she crying. I quickly put my shirt back down and opened the door. Carrie are you okay I said. "Did he do that to you Grace." I'm fine Carrie." "That's not fine Grace, is there any other medical problems I should know about?" I have asthma. "I remember reading that in your file don't you need to take every day medicine for that" Yes, but the hospital only gave me one and Im gonna run out soon. "Okay I'll call the doctor." Are you sure I don't want you to have to go through any trouble. I said worried. "Grace your my daughter there is no trouble." Okay thanks Carrie I said. She called me her daughter oh my gosh. She left the room and I took a shower, wow, I had my own bathroom.
When I was done I went down stairs and they were cooking breakfast.

Mike's POV
Mornin' Gracie I said as I flipped the pancake. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday "Care do you think we could go shopping so she could get more clothes and things for her room." "Yeah I'll ask her and we can all go to the mall but we need to take her to the doctors first." "Is everything okay." "Yeah remember in the file it said she had asthma we just need to get her medicine for it." Okay how is she doing I said "I walked to her room to Check on her and she was looking at her stomach and there is a huge bruise on her stomach and rib cage."
If I ever met this guy I'm gonna beat the ever living hell out of him. Why would he do this to his child. I love her so much and it's only been a day. How could he do this to Gracie. I finished making breakfast and had Grace and Carrie set the table. She cringed every time she moved. I felt so bad.

Gracie's POV
Today I was going to the doctors to get my inhalers and breathing treatments. We ate breakfast cleaned up and left. Mike called me Gracie and I actually liked it. When we got to the doctors. We went in the waiting room and filled out the first patient forms and waited then they called me back, "Grace Fisher." Wow, I'm a Fisher. The doctor came in and she gave me Three months worth of asthma medicine. Dr. Kane (Caroline) checked me out and gave me pain killers for my arm head and the bruise was from four broken ribs. Wonderful, then she put my arm in a fiberglass cast which was pink. We left and we went shopping.

Authors Note.
Sorry if it sucks. anyone have any suggestions

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