Chapter 13

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Gracie's POV
I woke up and Mama and I were tangled together from the oxygen tubing and the heart monitor wires. She was up already and was just looking at me while I slept. I snuggled up close to her and she rubbed my head. "Good morning Mama" "Good Morning sweet girl" Daddy came in shortly after that "Good morning my wonderful girls, I made pancakes for breakfast." "Okay we'll be down after we untangle our selfs here" Mama said as she was laughing. We finally got untangled and went down to eat. "Thank you Daddy" "Your welcome Gracie, anything for my baby girl." I felt my face turn beat red. "So, what do you guys want to do today." Mama asked. "Do you guys want to stay home and maybe watch a movie, I'm really not up to doing a lot, I'm not feeling that well" "Are you okay do you need to go back to the hospital ?" Daddy said sounding extremely worried. "No not at all I just go back late last night and I'm just not up to going out. "Okay just wanted to make sure your okay. That sounds great anyway, it's probably a good idea since we haven't said anything to the media about adopting you yet, and we want to announce the great news before the media says anything. Daddy said. Mama and Daddy cleared off the table and I went and got dressed I put on a pair of Preds sweatpants on and a t shirt since we were saying home. I went back down stairs.

Carrie's POV
"So when is your next game babe". "My next game is in two days at home, then the next one is in Ottawa. And since it's near Peterborough, I was thinking we could all go and Grace can meet my parents ,then we could go to Checotah to meet your family." Mike said. "That sounds great but we'll announce about her adoption today on social media. So we don't have to worry about people starting rumors while were out some where." "Okay how should we do that." Well, we can take a picture of all of us and post it on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. "Okay I'll go get Gracie and my phone." I can't wait to tell everyone about Gracie, I already told my parents, Ivey and Mike's parents, but now we are going to tell our fans. We all took a picture together with the dogs. I posted the picture with the caption "The newest edition to The Fishers, Grace Marie Fisher, we couldn't be happier..." I logged out of everything and went to watch the movie. It was a horror movie, my favorite. During the movie every time Grace would get Scared she would burry her head in Mike's chest, it was adorable. When we were done with the movie we made dinner and ate together. Mike lead the prayer. "Thank you Lord for this meal, and all the blessing you've given to us during this great time in our lives. Thank you for protecting Grace during her asthma attack, and watching over us Amen." "So, Grace your dad has a hockey game in Ottawa in
three days. We were all going to go, so you can go to his game, and meet his parents. And then after we see
them we're going to go to Checotah so you can meet my parents. Does that sound okay?" "Sure, that sounds great when are we leaving?" "We're gonna leave right after the home game which is in two days." "Okay sounds great". We cleared the table off and sat in the living room. Then I went upstairs to get something for Grace.

Grace's POV
Mama went upstairs for something when she came back she had a gift bag in her hands. She gave it to me. "Here is some appropriate attire for the games". She said giggling. I opened the bag and there were two Predators Hockey Jerseys. One was home the other was away, and on the back of both of them it said "Fisher's Girl". I didn't know what to say, it was so nice she did this I love it so much. "I love it thank you" I said as I got up and gave Mama and Daddy a hug and sat next to Daddy. "Your welcome sweetie I'm glad you like them" she said after that I sat next to Daddy in his arms.

A few hours later

Mike's POV
"Care, I can't wait to see her wear those thank you baby."
"For what I can't wait either Good Night babe"
"Good Night Princess" I wrapped my arms around Carrie and we went to sleep.

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