Chapter 9

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Carrie's POV
When we were shopping we got Gracie a phone and more clothes so she could get out of her old clothes, that she had been in when we adopted her. Also things for her room. She was so cute when she saw the price of everything she gasped and went to put something's back but I refused. "Gracie don't worry about it, it's really not a big deal. I want you to have what you need and want, your my daughter it's my job." she blushed and we went home and made dinner. We had veggie burgers and salad which Mike and Gracie were fine with. Then we watched a movie which was The Notebook, which Gracie picked out and then we all went to bed.

1:00 AM

Gracie's POV
I woke up at one in the morning gasping for air. Crap, an asthma attack, I got up to get my inhaler but then the room got really blurry.

Carrie's POV
I was going to the bathroom and I heard a thump. I walked out to check on Gracie, and she was past out on the floor with her inhaler in her hand. MIKE GET IN HERE I said trying to see if she would get up but no use. He walked in half asleep but that changed as soon as he saw her. WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW I said to Mike very panicked . Mike picked her up and we both ran down stairs getting the keys to the truck. I sat in the back with her and a ride that should've took ten minutes took five. We ran in and they put her on a bed and rushed her away . An hour later we are still waiting. "what is going on why aren't they telling us anything Mike I said crying hysterically. "Care I don't now I've asked them ten times and still no answers. After he said that he just took me into his arms and we were sitting there for another two hours. Then a doctor came out and walked over to us with a disappointed expression on his face...

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