Chapter 7 The Three Of Us

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Carrie's POV
Come on Mike we're gonna be late I said getting a little annoyed. "I'm coming babe I had to lock the back door." He finally came and we went in his truck we were astatic the whole way there. I was so exited to be a Mom and Mike is going to be a great Dad. "Mike, do you think I'll be a good Mom." "Care you'll be the greatest Mom a kid could have. If you treat this child half as good as our dogs you'll be great." He said giggling, he is so cute. "Care do you think I'll be a good dad." He said seriously "You will be the most amazing Dad ever your so caring, sweet and funny your the whole package." I said with a huge grin. "Thanks Care, are you ready." We started to pull in the driveway that was a quick two hour ride. We parked and Mike opened the door for me and we walked to the house these kids were living in. And I saw a girl she looked about fifteen she had Blonde hair and Hazel eyes like I did. But she also had a broken arm and her head was all wrapped up. I think Mike liked her to "Hello I'm Carrie what's your name" She looked at me and put on a fake smile "My name is Grace" she said shyly Mike said hi too we talked to her for about ten minutes and then we walked inside. And the lady I talked on the phone with led us into a room and she told us to look at the files of girls she had. "Mike look at Grace's file the girl we just met I think that's the one" "Okay." She was fifteen and got here three days ago. She was beaten by her father how could anyone want to hurt that sweet little girl how horrible. Her full name was Grace Marie Johnson she had the same middle name as I did. "She was so sweet Care I think Grace is the one." Okay Mike I think so too" After we sign a ton if paperwork. She's Ours. "Would you like for her last name to be Fisher or Johnson ." The owner of the orphanage said "Um why don't we ask her" I said "Okay I'll get Grace" "Mike she's ours I said hugging him I'm so exited" Grace walked in

Grace's POV
I walked in the office and saw the couple I saw outside. They were smiling ear to ear. Mrs. Hart said I was getting adopted, that was quick. The lady's name was Carrie and the man's name was Mike they seemed very nice and familiar. "Hi you've already met us but we adopted you if that's okay and we were wondering if you wanted to keep your last name or wanted it to be Fisher Like ours." "Of course it's okay, would it be okay if I took Fisher like yours" I wanted their last name so I could really be apart of their family. And so my birth parents couldn't find me, cause if he found me I don't know what I would do. "Of course sweetie what ever you want." Carrie said. I grabbed what I had with me which was just a sweatshirt. Since I couldn't get anything from my old house, not that I wanted anything from there to many bad memories. We left and we got in their truck. They had the country station on and Carrie Underwood came on Blown Away. Wait, that's Carrie I was adopted by Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher.

Carrie POV
I'm so glad we adopted Grace she's really sweet. But she's gonna realize who we are soon. Then Blown Away came on that's when it hit her. "Wait your Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher." "Yup" I said giggling " So how are you feelin sweetie." "I'm feeling a bit better now that I'm out of there and with you guys." Awe that's really sweet.

Grace's POV
We got to their house it's huge my jaw dropped to the ground. They had acres of land it was really nice secluded from the rest of the world. I hope they keep me. When we walked through the door it was huge. They had the cutest dogs Ace and Penny.

Mike's POV
I really like Grace she was really cute. Her jaw dropped when we walked in the door. And Ace and Penny loved her. "Grace there are four rooms up stairs you can pick the one you want to be yours sweetie." I said then we showed her the rest of the house and I made dinner. And then we sat the table prayed and ate "Dear lord thank you for this blessed day and the food you've blessed us with and thank you for bringing Grace Marie Fisher into our lives Amen." After dinner we decided to watch a movie. Grace sat in the middle of us and she hugged both of us and said thank you guys for adopting me. Mid way through the movie she fell asleep on Carrie's chest it was adorable.

Carrie's POV
She fell asleep on me my heart melted. What Mike said at the table was so adorable. Grace picked the room right next to ours. So after the movie was over Mike carried Grace to her room. Then we went to bed. What a day we were finally parents.

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