Chapter One: A Vanishing Glass?

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I woke with a start to the loud sound of Aunt Petunia banging on the door of the cupboard under the stairs.

"Get up!" She rapped on the door harder, "Get up! Now!" I sat up next to my brother in our small bed, unfortunately smacking my head on the low ceiling above us. I grunted in pain as I rubbed my now tender forehead. My twin brother; Harry, stirred next to me and sighed as he too sat up.

"Mornin'" He groaned tiredly, managing a small smile my way.

I grunted back, still easing the sore spot on my head, "Morning..." A rumbling sounded from the staircase above us, passing over us before back peddling and jumping up and down. The wooden stairs rattled with the movement, shaking specks of dust onto mine and Harry's heads.

"Wake up Potters! We're going to the zoo!" It was Dudley, the arrogant, nasty, fat cousin of ours. Far more spoiled than any of the snobbish kids we knew.

Harry and I shared a glance and both let out simultaneous groans of irritation. I got up out of our bed and began to change into my day clothes. Harry began changing as well, however we faced opposite of each other. It was easy for us to ignore each other as we changed. After being in such a cramped space together for so long we'd gotten very used to the setup.

I tugged on a very oversized wool sweater that had been generously gifted to me by my wretched Aunt and then managed to slip into the decade-old pair of denims that she'd handed down to me as well.

I clasped the golden chain that held the small gold lion crest around my neck, touching it gingerly. It was my mothers and now it was all I had left of her.

Once we were ready, my brother and I went to exit the cramped cupboard we called our room, but before we could even get halfway out of the door, our cousin shoved us back into the cupboard, snickering all the way. I scoffed, hauling myself back onto my feet as I stomped out of the room, Harry following behind me.

"Oh, here he comes, the Birthday boy!" Aunt Petunia cooed over the overgrown pig that was her son.

Our Uncle Vernon also began to fawn over the degenerate, "Happy birthday son," he remarked as his wife and son giggled together. Harry and I entered not long after, granting us some nasty looks from our relatives.

Our Aunt scoffed before she remarked rather cooly, "Why don't you just cook the breakfast... try not to burn anything."

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Came our robotic replies. I gritted my teeth as I made my way to the toaster, stuffing four slices of bread into it. My brother got to work on the bacon as I managed the coffee and toast.

Uncle Vernon must have noticed my slow movement as he snapped, "Hurry up! Bring my coffee, girl!" I pursed my lips as I finished plating the toast that was finished toasting.

"Yes Uncle Vernon," Was the only reply I could muster that wouldn't earn me a week without food. I was bringing both the plate of toast and the mug of coffee to the table as Aunt Petunia brought Dudley into the family room.

A vast amount of presents covered almost every single surface available. Dudley was staring at them all in pure awe. I glared at the lot of them in jealousy. Mine and Harry's birthday was in three days, but of course, as every year it would be forgotten.

"Aren't they wonderful, Darling?" Aunt Petunia asked her son who was still marvelling over the gifts.

"How many are there?" He suddenly demanded. His demeanour shifted in less than a second. I flinched, sensing a tantrum coming if the pig wasn't given the exact answer he desired. It seemed Harry had the same thought as he gripped my bicep and pulled me away from the table in case our monstrous cousin decided it deserved a good flipping.

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