Chapter Forty-One: Rogue Bludgers

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Before we went to lunch, Hermione dragged us into the library. It took the girl no longer than five minutes to sit us down in a secluded corner, flit off for a moment and reappear and slam a thick book down on the table between the three of us.

Most Potente Potions

Was the title of the text she laid down. She flipped it open, skimming for a moment until she stopped, landing on the exact page she was looking for.

"Here it is, the Polyjuice potion." She nodded in confirmation before she began to read, "Properly brewed, the Polyjuice potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another."

"Wow," I pursed my lips, impressed.

"You mean, if we were to drink that stuff, we'd turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron gaped.

Hermione nodded, "And whoever else we can get in order to find out what we need to know." but she continued rather gravely, "But it's tricky, I've never seen a more complicated potion."

I pursed my lips, "Hmm, Elena could help. She's pretty good at potions."

Hermione brightened at that, "Yes! And she could help figure out a way to distract whoever we'll wish to change into."

"Alright, so we've got a plan," Ron clarified before my brother cut in.

"Wait, how long will it take to make, exactly?"

"A month," Hermione replied, looking up from the book.

"A month?" My brother was flabbergasted, mouth agape, "but, if she is the Heir of Slytherin, she could attack half the school by then!"

"Harry," I stopped him, grabbing his shoulder tightly, "We know...but right now, it's the only plan we've got."

Hermione nodded rapidly, "She's right. I'll talk Elena into it, hopefully she won't mind sneaking around with me for the next month."

I chuckled, "I think she'll be more than excited to finally be in on the adventures."


At this point, it had been weeks since the first attack, and weeks since we decided to brew the polyjuice. Hermione and I had successfully convinced Elena to help us, with the compromise that Dahlia would be allowed to help her in the distraction process.

As of now, Quidditch was in full swing and the first match of the season was roaring in the stadium.

Gryffindor and Slytherin. Snakes versus Lions. Just like the year before.

But with their new brooms, the snakes were proving to be a bit more difficult to evade than before. The air had been crackling with the promise of a tense match since before we'd even gotten to the pitch that afternoon. Tensions had been high.

The sky was clear, but the atmosphere was thick and heavy with the focus of the rival houses. Before the match even started, I felt a surge of excitement and fear as I mounted my broom.

Everything was a blur until the Quaffle was released and the match kicked off in a flash of green and red robes. It was less than five minutes when Slytherin scored the first point.

Cressida Malfoy swiped the red ball right out of Angelina's hands, causing the girl to go spinning out nearly into one of the spires, just like last year.

I gritted my teeth and tried my best to chase after them in order to get the Quaffle back before they could score. But with their new brooms, mine couldn't catch up in time and Cressida threw the ball right into the hoop.

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